Chapter Sixteen

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I slowly ease into consciousness, but a consciousness that I've never felt before. I feel like I'm suspended in cotton. Cotton pressing on my eyes, ears, mouth - all around me. Paralyzing me. My head is so fuzzy and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I've managed to get myself drunk once in my life, with Kristy. It takes a ton of alcohol, since our system burns through it so quickly. I'd woken up the next day not even with a hangover. Plus, one White Russian wouldn't get me drunk. The White Russian. The gold rimmed glass. Like the glasses I saw on a mini bar. Alex.

That realization wakes my mind up with a jolt. What did he to do us?

Kiara. Where is she?

I use all of my strength to pry my eyes open, and it's so painful. I try to blink a few times to clear my vision. I shift my body and realize that I'm laying on the ground. I can feel sticks and grass scratching my face and legs. I try to sit up, but my arms are tied behind my back, my feet are bound together, and I feel so weak.

My eyes are starting to clear, but it's dark and my vision is still dull. What's going on? I should be able to easily break whatever is binding me. If I shift, it should be even easier. I call on my wolf and feel nothing in response. Dread seeps into my body like poison. I desperately search for her in my mind. My wolf is suppressed. My wolf abilities are suppressed. My extra vision, hearing, strength - all out of my reach. There's only one thing I know of that can do this: Wolfsbane. Highly concentrated, wolfsbane can act almost like a poison to werewolves. My healing abilities will be dramatically slowed as well.

A light appears, blinding me. I can't help but despair. All my training, all the confidence I've built up in my abilities amounts to nothing right now. I didn't question the lack of scent, when the drinks were delivered, which Alex clearly covered up. How? I don't know. I thought that was something only witches could do, and they don't involve themselves with werewolves. I also didn't recognize the tumblers. Idiot. Idiot. You deserve this. I'm launched suddenly into a memory of a man's fist hitting me again and again. "You deserve this! Idiot! You can't do anything right!" I'm a child who knocked over a pitcher of milk. "Idiot!"

Laughter brings me back to the present. "Look at how scared she is. Probably pissed her pants." The voice isn't Alex's and sends another shockwave through me. Kale. Alex responds, "No, you forget. She's a slut. She doesn't even wear pants." I feel someone touch above my knee and begin to drag their hand up my thigh. I jerk away in the opposite direction and hit something soft.

Kiara. No.

My panic reaches a crescendo and I know I need to focus. I just told her I'd protect her. I have to figure out a way to get out of this. Kiara is stirring. I look toward where Alex and Kale's voices came from. My weak eyes have finally adjusted and they have a camping lantern set up on the ground. A shiver runs through me at the fact that they have it, solely so that Kiara and I can see. They still have their wolf abilities and don't need it themselves.

Alex is standing there relaxed, in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, like he's about to park himself on a couch and watch some sports. Kale is dressed equally as casually, but his stance is anything but casual. He's rigid and his arms are crossed. His curly, black hair in disarray, as if he's run his hands through it numerous times. His green eyes are trained on me, and what I see in them makes fear wrap around my heart.

Think, Sarah, think.

Glancing around, I'm certain we're miles away from the pack house. Well out of hearing range of the pack. I slowly shuffle myself in front of Kiara, doing whatever I can to shield her and keep the attention on me.

"What do you want?" I grind out quietly. I don't feel disoriented and sluggish anymore, but I can tell I'm still impossibly weak against two healthy wolves.

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