Chapter Twenty-Four

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I tell my guards that I should be about an hour, then head into the gym. I'm startled when Reggie is waiting right at the door for me and grabs me up in a big bear hug.

"Reg," I squeak his name out, as I try to hold in my emotions. He's not a hugger, so this show of affection really moves me.

He holds me at arm's length and his expression is a mix between hurt and anger, which surprises me more than the hug.

I speak again, "Reggie, what...?"

He interrupts me, "No, Evvs, you tell me what." He speaks sternly, and I'm so confused. He continues, "You tell me how a single rogue was able to almost kill you."

Damn. I hadn't thought of this. Reggie has trained me for years and knows my skill level.

Not to toot my own horn, but I know I'm an excellent fighter. One of the things he's taught me specifically is fighting rogues. The longer a rogue roams packless, the more wolflike and less calculated his or her attacks become. They begin to fight purely on instinct. Once you understand that, it's easy to figure out where and how they'll attack you.

Goddess, he knows something is wrong here. He folds his arms, waiting for an explanation.

I shake my head, "Reg, I can't..."

He interrupts again. "Does it have to do with your mate? Did he do this?"

I pale, "Goddess, no!" I exclaim. "He saved me. I would have died, if he hadn't found me." I tell him.

He looks mollified by my genuine reply, thankfully. However, by the look on his face, I know he wants more information.

I take a deep breath and let it out, "Reg, I can't tell you. You're right, though. It wasn't as simple as me just fighting off a rogue. It's too dangerous if I say any more."

He just looks at me stonily for a moment. "Are you in danger right now?" He asks.

I take a second to think about what to tell him. Am I in danger?

Well, Alex and Kale seem to be able to get away with just about anything - including murder - so yes, that's dangerous. Would they attempt murdering me now? I think about my guards and my large, formidable mate. There's no way they could touch me right now, especially with how aware I am of them apparently weakening their enemies, before attacking.

I answer, "I'm not in immediate danger." I pause, then continue, "but the people I care about may be," I look at him pointedly, "if what really happened came to light right now."

He studies me again, thinking about what I've just said. Reggie is no idiot. He may have even already figured out what generally happened. I just hope I've communicated the real danger to him enough, to keep all of this quiet.

He finally speaks, "You're one of the best fighters in this pack."

He pauses and I'm floored. I feel my wolf absolutely bursting with pride at the accolade. He's never said that before. Am I really one of the best fighters in the pack? I don't know what to say.

He continues, "But you're a Luna now," he says, glancing at my mark. "Lunas are targeted above Alphas. Ice Moon, even more so."

"What?" I interrupt. I haven't heard of this. Although, I've never tried to learn anything about any pack.

Reg pauses again, before speaking, "This is something you need to hear from your mate - not me. In the meantime, while you're here, you shouldn't stop training. I know a few of the fighters in Ice Moon, and you should continue honing your skills there." He looks around the room. "I'm surprised your mate isn't here to watch over you." He tells me.

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