🌸 chapter 15 back🌸

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"Have you got any pieces of information yet?" Asked a masculine voice to the lady looking at the Narnia's horizon. The sun is setting, another day have passed.

"None. We've searched every woods we passed. We even travelled to other countries, but none of them has seen Oreius." Said now a female voice, which once heard by the father of the centaur they were looking for. She turned to face him.

"What would I do Peter? What if his dead, I can't sense him anywhere."
(Y/n) said

Peter sighed "we'll find him sooner,
(y/n). I promise." He said before placing his hand on her shoulder for comfort.

Fifteen years have passed. Peter, (y/n) Susan, Edmond, and Lucy had grown Noble rulers of Narnia and had a strong relationship with the leaders of its countries. Narnia is at peace, but that doesn't mean evil is gone, there is still an enemy just waiting to strike at the right time.

(Y/n) then became the beauty of Narnia, she is known for her beauty and kindness.

(Y/n) stared at Peter "do you not consider shaving your beard?" She joked

"Not at all. I look like Edmond"
He replied

"Peter!" They heard someone call so they immediately glanced at who it is.

"Mr tumnus said he saw the white stag. Edmond's on the way there!" Said Lucy

(Y/n) laughed "come on then!"

Peter chuckled "right."

They quickly went outside, riding on their horses with Susan waiting patiently.

They keep up with Edmond, who is determined to catch the legendary white stag, according to mr tumnus it can grant wishes.

"Edmond! So many wishes, I see?"
(Y/n) said out loud to which Edmond shrugged

They continue to chase the stag, until Edmond stopped. (Y/n) who is behind him also stopped.

"Everything alright?" (Y/n) asked

"Yes. Phillip just needs a rest" he answered

"I'm sorry, your majesty" Phillip apologies

"No, it's okay. Take a break for awhile" (y/n) said softly

Susan went back after realizing that Edmond and (y/n) stopped "come on Ed." She said

"Just catching our breath" he replied

"What did je say Susan?" Lucy asked who also went back, Peter following behind her.

"You girls stay at the castle, I'll go get the stag myself." Susan answered playfully making them laugh.

"What's this?" Peter asked getting off his horse. Susan, Lucy, Edmond, and (y/n) did the same looking upon an oddly familiar lamppost.

"It seems like a dream." Susan blurted.

"Or a dream of a dream." Lucy added, then all of a sudden her eyes brightened up as if she realized something ".... spare Oom." She muttered

"What?" (Y/n) asked but Lucy ran towards the bushes from a couple of meters away.

"Lucy!" Peter yelled

"Not again" Susan mumbled

"Come on!" Lucy said that leaves them no choice but to follow.

"Why is she always running off?" Edmond complained

They followed her until the path became narrower and narrower that are branches is hitting their faces.

"Ah! The branches got onto my eye!" (Y/n) said shutting her eyes close

"These aren't any branches..." Peter said

"What? I'm sure it is." (Y/n) opened her eyes and saw coats.


"My foot!"

"These are coats!"

"I didn't wear any coats!"

"No! I mean-"


They hit a hard ground and looking at each other in surprise because they are back into their child form again.


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