15; "Forgot my pencil"

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Skye's mom, was anything but a mother, choosing to please a boyfriend over her only child. Her blood. 'how can a mother go on with life, knowing she chose a man over her own flesh and blood' she always tend to think.
Her grandmother, as much as she loved and cared for her, didn't like bringing up the subject of the daughter that no one would admit to raising.
Vernon, and almost every other teacher in the school, dislikes at least one soul, or bullied one of their students. Yea, they might push us to work harder and be more successful in life, but there were better ways of going about it.
Her real father though. She wasn't sure where to start with him. She met him at least four times throughout her teenage and chimdhood years. All of those times had happened because he had written to her, explaing that he felt guilty that he wasn't in her life, teaching her things, helping her out with school work. She regretted those days with him. They were filled with awkward moments and conversations that she really didn't care of. He had told her about how he met her mother that one night they shared together. And it was just that one night. Her mom was the "other woman" that night. She wasn't plan, she was a surprise. He already has wife and kids at that time. But at the end of the day, they do have one thing in common. And that was music. He would send her tapes in the mail , filled with guitars and drums, singers.
All throughout the years, the only thing that kept her sane was music and books.
She had her grandma. And that was enough for her.

"Skye." she was aware of someone calling her name but she didn't respond, didn't even move. "Skye" she lifted her head at the slightly raised voice. Andrew who had called her, and Claire were watching her, as if they had been calling her name for awhile.

"Yeah?" she asked in a gentle voice.

"You alright?" he asked her. She knew she had been quiet.

Claire had made herself comfortable on the table top, her leg brushing Andrew's arm. Skye wondered if Allison had noticed this. Brian was now sitting at John's table, eating the rest of his lunch. She sneaked a glance back at her friend. Her feet were on the table so her legs were stretching out in front of her. The tip of her index finger was in her mouth where she was probably biting the nail. She looked bored and Skye couldn't blame her.

Skye turned back to look at the three in the other side of the room, who were still looking at her, waiting for her answer.

"Yeah, just a little bo-" But she cut off her own sentence.

"What's wrong?" Claire questioned her.

"Can you guys hear that?" She leant forward somewhat, her chest just brushing against the edge of the desk. She pointed her fingers to the ceiline so everyone else could at least have a sense of where to direct their hearing.

"I don't hear anything." Claire answered for a moment.

"What is it?" Andrew spoke up again. Brian has paused in chewing his carrot stick to listen.

"The freaking noise. You can't hear it?" Skye asked.

The three if them shook their heads, Allison still listened.

"OHHH SHIIIITT!" The glasses left Andrew's face, a carrot stick had stopped halfway to Brian's mouth, Claire head spun to the direction of the staircase, Allison still sat listening, Skye's finger continued to point to the ceiling. There was just no way Vernon did not hear that.

After a moment, Bender appeared, chains tinkling together, finger scratching his ear, as casual as anything.

"Forgot my pencil.." Skye was fairly certain she was not the only one gawking as the teenager halt a few feet in front of them.

Skye look down at the table where she had placed the item, finger still pointing st the ceiling, mouth slightly open. She caught his eyes as he moved towards her. He didn't smirk, or win. Just kept the gaze as he got closer.

He pulled out the chair next to her with one hand and picked up the object he apparently so desperately wanted with the other.

Another voice sounded from out in the hallway. It was the voice that none of them wanted to hear, But Skye couldn't help but wonder what had taking him so long.

"God Damnit!" with a flash of a blink of an eye, Bender vanished under the table.

Vernon entered the room. Looking angry. Nothing new there.

"What's in God's name is going on in here?" Everyone but Allison shrugged in reply. Skye, who thought it might be a better idea to have her feet under the table, sat up slowly so as not to attract attention. "What was that ruckus?" He looked to the ceiling as if it would answer him.

"Uh, what ruckus?" Andrew finally answered for them. "I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus!" The small smile graced Skye's lip at Vernon's questioning tone, quickly dissapearing when she felt a breath on her leg.

"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian joined in.

"Watch your tongue young man, watch it!" Vernon threatened.

Bender, in his attempt to get comfortable, only noticed how close he was to a certain pair of legs. In distraction, he banged his head and groaned.

Andrew banged his hands against the table, in feeble attempt of getting Vernon to believe it was him seconds ago. But it was ruined when Bender banged twice back, as if in 'thanks'.

"What is that?" Andrew made a strange noise and pointed towards the ceiling. "What, what Is that, what Is that noise?" Skye stiffled a giggle.

"What noise?" her eyes widened as she felt Bender's hand lightly pushed her knees apart.

"Really, sir, there wasn't any noise.." Claire stopped her sentence when she heard Skye take a deep and sudden breath, she looked over and saw an intense blush on the girls face, followed by a look of complete shock.

The further Bender head got, the less Skye could breathe. In a moment of panic, she squeezed his head between her knees, eliciting another groan from the boy.

She started coughing, so awful it was obviously fake, that was quickly copied by everyone else. She released her hold in the boys head, trying to kick him away with her foot while Vernon was distracted by the student coughing fits.

Everyone stopped when Skye did.

"That noise? Was that the noise you were talking about?" Claire questioned.

"No it wasn't." Vernon crossed his arms. "That was not the noise I was talking about." He continued, "Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will." Andrew sneaked a glance at Skye, wondering if she was okay. From the back Allison laughed. "You make book on that Missy!" Allison stopped but her grin was visible. "And you!" he turned his pointed fingers in Claire. "I will not be made a fool of!"

As he walked away, there was no avoiding seeing the toilet seat cover tucked into his pants.

Andrew, Brian and Allison laughed as Vernon exits the roon.

Skye scoots her chair back and hit John on the back with her fists.

"You pervert!" Skye hissed

"You're an asshole!" Claire informed him

"Sue me." Bender replied, his words directed at the Princess.

"So, Ahab...kybo mein doobage.." John asked.

Brian unzipped his pants, taking the drugs out and handed it to Bender.

"Yo waistoid! You're not gonna blaze up in here!" But bender ignored him, he was only thinking about the joint he was going to roll.

A few moments passed. She didn't snap out her daze until she heard Andrew's murmured voice. "Shit.." and the scraping of his chair. She watched as he headed over to the back, and was surprised to see that Brian and Claire had gone too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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