8;White wedding?

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"You're just feeling sorry for yourself" Andrew said,no longer feeling sympathetic towards the princess.

"Yeah well, if i didn't nobody else would" The Princess retorted angrily,her voice rising slightly

Skye shook her head,she certainly wouldn't feel sorry for the girl anytime soon.

"Oh you're breaking my heart" Andrew replied sarcastically as he glanced over his shoulder at her

"Sporto?" Bender started

"What?" The Jock demanded as he glared at the criminal

Throwing the cards over his shoulder,Bender jumped down before answering."You get along with your parents?"

"Well if i say yes,I'm an idiot right?"

John jumps over the rail and face Andrew

"You're an idiot anyway. But if you say you get along with your parents,your a liar too"

The princess smirked as bender walked away. Andrew glared before following him,while Johnson watched the two nervously

"You want to know something man?" Andrew shoves the criminal shoulder,"If we weren't in school right now,I'd waste you"

Bender face the jock and simply point his middle finger at the floor."Can you hear this?You want me to turn it up?" He turn his hand upward so that he was now flipping Andrew the bird.

The Brain walked over and place both hands on both boys shoulders."Hey fellas,i mean...."

The two glaring teens both slapped his hand away at the same time,not bothering to spare a glance at the blond.

"I don't- i don't like my parents either" The nerd stuttered,"I mean,i don't.."

Andrew started to turn away and pushed past the nerd as he continued."I don't get along with them when their ideal of parental compassion..." Johnson continued naively as he gestured with his hands,"Is just,you know,wacko,you know"

Bender turned to the brain."Dork.."


"You are a parents wet dream,okay?" His voice smooth. Before he turned away he moved away,he patted,with a little force than necessary,the Brain on the shoulder. Hard enough to make his sit down on the table behind him.

"That's the problem though" The Nerd insisted

"Look,i can see you getting all bunged up for making you wear these kinds of clothes..but face it, you're a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie"

Skye rolled her eyes at the nerd's nickname.

"Why do you have to insult everybody?" Andrew suddenly demanded from his position

"I'm being honest asshole" Bender retorted,his face clearly annoyed."I'd expect you to know the difference."

The jock jerked his head in the nerds direction,"Well,he's got a name"

"Yeah?" Bender asked sarcastically

"Yeah." He clarified as he turned to look at the Brain."Whats your name?"

Skye couldn't help but snort at his comment,"Your shitting me right?"

"Way to make your point Sporto." She said simply,not even bothering to look up from her book.

The nerd looked from the jock to the criminal then to the bookworm

"Um..Brian" He finally replied,looking at the two boys nervously

"See?" Andrew said snidely,but Bender ignored him as he made his way to the Bookworm table

"My condolences.." Bender said to the Brain in mock sympathy as he past him .

Just as he was at the front desks,the redhead spoke up.

"Whats your name?" The princess asked abruptly. Instead of taking a seat by the bookworm like he had planned,he made his way to the princess table standing in front of her.

He smirked,"Whats yours?"


"Ka-lair?" Bender asked,stretching out her name

"Claire." The redhead repeated,"Its a family name"

"No,its a fat girl's name" Bender corrected her,stating it like it was obvious

"Well,thank you" Claire shot back sarcastically

"You're welcome" Bender retorted even more sarcastically

"Im not fat!" Claire insisted

Bender shrugged,"Not at present,but i can see you really pushing maximum density. You see,I'm not sure if you know this...but there are two kinds of fat people. There's fat people that were born fat,and there's fat people that were once thin but they became fat...when you look at them you can sorta see that thin person inside."

Skye was now looking up from her book suddenly getting amused in what the criminal was saying. Bender caught the bookworm eye over the princess head and he smirked at her. The Bookworm rolled her eyes in reply,but the criminal caught the slightest tug at the corner of her lips.

"You see.." He continued,his gaze falling back at the princess."you're gonna get married,you're gonna squeeze out a few puppies then-"

He paused as he glanced up at the Bookworm for a brief moment then back at the princess with an irate expression. He made an expanding motion with his hands and a ballooning noise to go along with it,making fat noises as he do so.

Claire's only response was to glare and give him the finger.

"Oh..obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl!"

"I'm not that pristine" Claire denied

Bender placed his hands on the table and bent down a little,"Are you a virgin?"

The redhead glared at him but remained silent. He continued,"I'll bet you a million dollars that you are,let's end the suspense. Is it gonna be a white wedding?"

Skye was getting uncomfortable with what Bender was saying and he wasn't even asking her. She thinks bringing up a girl's virginity isn't something to be made fun with.

"Why don't you just shut up?" Claire demanded as she fidgeted uncomfortable in her seat. But bender continued,

"Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth..?"

Her shoulders sunk a little,her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra,under the blouse,shoes off..hoping to God your parents don't walk in?"

"Do you want me to puke?" Claire responded in a quiet voice.

"Over the panties.." He continued

"Cut it out Bender" Skye spoked up,looking directly at Bender

He paused to look over at the bookworm and smirked as he eye up what little cleavage he could see from his position," No bra,blouse unbuttoned" He swept his gaze back to Claire as the other girl blush,"Calvin's in a ball on the front seat past eleven on a school night"

Claire face was getting redder as her hair.

"Leave her alone" Andrew spoke up now,breaking the silence

Claire attempted to look away but Bender caught her gaze. Holding it for a moment before Andrew spoke up again

"I said leave her alone!"

Bender stood up his full height lowly,"You gonna make me?"

"Yeah." Andrew replied as he glared furiously at the Criminal.

Bender walked right over the table instead of walking around it. He made his way over to where Andrew stood.

"You and how many friends?"

"Just me. Just you and me. Two hits. Me hitting you,you hitting the floor. Anytime your ready pal."

Bender smiled to himself,not believing him for a second.

It looked like Bender was about to hit him,but instead he tapped him lightly on the cheek with the back of his hand. But Andrew quickly got a hold of his arm,and grabbed the other one so he was holding them behind Bender's back. He forced Bender down on the ground with a wresting move,successfully pinning him down on the floor.

Bender simply flicked his hair out his face,looking up at the boy behind him. He notice the Bookworm was not leaning across the table a worried look across her face.

His words directly as the athlete but remained his gaze on the bookworm. He sent her a wink to let her know he was ok.

"I don't wanna get into this with you man.."

With a last shove in Bender's back,Andrew got up.

"Why not?"

Bender got up from the floor,everyone eyes following his movement.

"Cause I'd kill you.." He started walking backwards,"Its real simple. I'd kill you and your fucking parents would sue me and it would be a big mess and i don't care enough about you to bother"

"Chicken shit.." Andrew mumble as he turned back around to pull his chair out

But at a sound of the switchblade that Bender was holding. He turned around,catching everyone's attention.

Allison nervously glanced back and forth between the athlete and bender. Andrew looking frightened.

After a moment of staring at each other,Bender turned to the chair next to him and stabbed the knife into the back of it.

"Lets end this right now. You don't tam to her..you don't look at her and you don't think about her!" He shouted at the last part,"You understand me?"

Allison sneakily took the blade from the chair and placed it in her bag.

"I'm trying to help her" Bender responded,clearly bored with the conversation

"And leave her alone too" Andrew added pointing at the Bookworm

"Well lets keep it that way. Just let her do detention in peace. Let all of us do our detention in peace" He added before sitting down

Like bender forget everyone Andrew said he strolled back down the aisle towards the girl who had once again gone back to reading.

Watching Andrew for reaction he pulled out the chair on the end of desk and continue to sit.

She looked up at him. Bender smirked when she blushed and quickly returned back to her book glancing at him in the corner of her eye once in a while.

Bender smiled to himself,

Maybe Saturday Denton wouldn't be bad after all,Bender thought as he glanced up at the Bookworm.

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