13; B-O-O H-O-O

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Chapter 13



"Before the day I die," Bender hollered as loud as he could as he ran down the hallway, running his hands along the locks of the lockers and creating a racket,"There's five things I wanna ride!"

He grinned and laugh loudly between verses of the song as he though about Skye. He hadn't planned in kissing her,but it had been too hard to resist when she was looking at him with such a defiant, and almost worried expression on her face.

"Bicycle, tricycle,automobile!" Bender continued singing and running down the halls, heading towards the gum,"Virgins mother and a Ferris wheel!" He jumped up,ripping poster and flyers off the walls as he sang louder,"I wanna be an airborne ranger!'
Slipping in to the gym, the criminal spotted a lone sneaker and paused, staring at it in a considering way.

'Should I..." he thought to himself before shrugging with a grin and kicking off one of his boots,"Fuck it,why not?" He grabbed a basketball and started drinking, the white sneaker on his foot,
"Three!" Bender yelled abnoxiously, holding the basketball above his head before starting to dribble it towards the net,"Two! One!"

The criminal jumped and dunked the ball into the net,cheering and yelling when he landed on his feet.

"Bender! Bender! What is this?!" Vernon yelled as he stormed into the gym,"What are you doing here? What is this?"
Bender grinned,dripping the ball then crossing it between his legs,"Hi."

"Out! That's it, bender!" Vernon snapped,pointing at the gym door as his face begun to turn red,"Out, it's over."

Bender crossed the ball between his legs a few more times before spinning it on his finger,"Don't you want to hear my excuse?"


"I'm thinkin' about tryin' out for a scholarship." Bender said,dancing a little as he spoke.

Give me the ball,Bender" Vernon demanded in a calm voice as he held his hand out for the basketball,"Give me the ball.'

The criminal bounced it once before fake‐throwing it at the principal,making Vernon flinch. Bender smirked and did it again,grinning slightly when Vernon flinched again. Finally,just to piss him off even more, John rolled the ball to him,jumping up and out of the sneaker when Vernon kick the basketball at him.

Vernon moved to block the way to bender's stuff and bender tried to go around, but Vernon followed and continued to stand in his way, the criminal stopped for a second before ducking around the principal and grabbing his denim jacket and boot ,then he stormed out of the gym with Dick following him closely.


The group remained silent as Bender was pushed through the door by an annoyed Vernon.
Skye locked eyes with Bender. Noticing her concerned stare he winked,assuring her that he was ok.
"Get your stuff,let's go!" Vernon muttered to Bender with another shove roughly,causing him to stumbled slightly. The bookworm pursed her lips and clench her fists in anger. However if she was braver, she would have stood from her chair and question him. But instead, she remained firmly in her seat, feet crossed at the ankles, her body facing Andrew's table.

"Mr. Wise guy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without services for the rest of the day." Vernon spoke to everyone else in the rest of the room now. Skye felt a tingle of disappointment that she would no longer he to be annoyed by John.

"B‐O‐O H‐O‐O!" Bender spelt out as he made himself comfortable in his chair.

"Everything's a big joke,huh bender?" Vernon started again."The false alarm you pulled, Friday, false alarms are real funny,aren't they?"

"What if your home‐" He paused. "What id your family..' He started again but faltered,".. What if your dope was on fire?"

Without missing a beat bender replied."Impossible, sir.. Its in Johnson's underwear..." His words gained a laugh from Andrew.

"You think he's funny?" Vernon asked, turning his attention to Andrew. "You think this is cute? You think he's bitchin', is that it? Lemme tell you something. Look at him, he's a bum. You want to see something funny? You go visit bender in five years. You'll see how god damned funny he is!" Skye raised her eye to watch as Vernon approached John's table. "Whats the matter, John? You gonna cry?" Vernon bent down a little to be at eye level with the teen. But bender only looked away. "Let's go..." Vernon grabbed John's arm,only for it to be snatched from his grasp.

"Hey keep your fuckin' hands off me!" Bender caused Skye to jump slightly at his raised tone. He stood abruptly. "I expect better manners from ya, dick!"

When he reached Andrew, he took his sunglasses from the pocket of his checkered shirt and placed them in front of the jock. "For better hallway vision!" With that he clapped the boy on the shoulder and turn to face Skye, walking backwards so as not to be shoved by Vernon again. He said nothing to her as he caught her eye, he winked again.

He faced forward again and continued his way. As he reached the check in desk, he made sure to cause more havoc,pushing expensive looking objects onto the floor and creating as much noise as possible before stalking out the door,slamming it in Vernon's face.

Vernon swore and left the library,slamming the door behind him. Brian stared at the door in disbelief then closed his eyes and hung his head in defeat while Andy fidgeted with John's aviators, Claire stared at the door with despondent pout and the quiet girl in the back pursed her lips and stared narrowly at the library door.


Ok this scene of the story was also sad, because of Dick😒 and what he said to my boo, John , was not necessary at all!

But anyways. Comment on what you guys think! Of Vernon.. Bender and Skye.. And so on!

Please vote!

Check out my other stories, if you can! Love you guys and thank for your patience, I really appreciate it!❤️

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