14; "Just one swing"

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Chapter 14;
"Just one swing."

Recap: Vernon swore and left the library,slamming the door behind him. Brian stared at the door in disbelief then closed his eyes and hung his head in defeat while Andy fidgeted with John's aviators, Claire stared at the door with despondent pout and the quiet girl in the back pursed her lips and stared narrowly at the library door.

"That's the last time, Bender" Vernon said, looking down and pointing a finger at the criminal.

Bender just looked at the wall.

"That's the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids. You hear me?" Vernon continued, "I make thirty-one thousand dollars a year and I've got a home. And I'm not about to throw it away on some punk like you."

He continue not to look at the principal.

"But someday, man, someday when you're out of here and you've forgotten all about this place and they've forgotten all about you and you're wrapped up in your own pathetic life," Vernon nodded and pointed at the criminal, "I'm going to be there."

Bender slowly turn his head around

"That's right. And I'm going to kick the living crap out of you," Vernon continued, "Im going to knock you in the dirt."

"You threaten me?" Bender asked.

"What are you going to about it?" Vernon sneered.

The criminal looked away.

"You think anybody's going to believe you?" Vernon asked, "You think anybody is going to take you word over mine?"

"I'm a man of respect around here. They love me around here." He finished

Bender imagined Skye scoffing in disbelief at vernon's ridiculous statement.

"I'm a swell guy. You're a lying sack of puss and everybody knows it." Vernon sneered.

Bender didn't look at Vernon for s moment.

"Oh you're a real tough guy." Vernon takes off his suit jacket, preparing for a fist fight. "Hey, hey. Come on."

The criminal stared at him in bewilderment.

"Get on your feet, pal!" Vernon ordered. "Let's find out how tough you are. I want to know right now, how tough you are. Come on."

Bender looked at Vernon like he lost his mind.

"I'll give you the first punch," Vernon insisted, "let's go. Come on. Right here," he leans forward and pointed to his chin. "Just take the first shot, please. I'm begging you, the a shot. Right here"

Bender scoots away from the principal.

Vernon closed his eyes. "Just take one shot, that's all I need. Just one swing."

Nothing happened.

Vernon open his eyes and sneered at the criminal.

He straightens up and throw a fake punch causing bender to flinch a bit.

"Thats what I thought. You're a gutless curd."

Bender kept quiet.

Vernon grabbed his suit jacket and left the closet, locking the door behind him.

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