2;Detention Starts

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She had just reached the door when she heard the voice of the principal

"Well...Well. Here we are, I want to congratulate you for being on time" Good god,how can this man manage to be principal with so much rudeness in his voice Skye thought to herself as she attempted to sneak in behind Vernon as the princess raised her hand

"Excuse me sir? I think there's been a mistake. I know its detention,but um...I don't think i belong in here.."

Skye couldn't help the sneer that came to her face and didn't think twice before she opened her mouth

"Gimme a break" She muttered to herself," You're in a library princess,not a condemned cell" She said with an annoyed roll of her eyes,giving the princess an irritated look.

She didn't notice as the criminal smirked lightly to himself

"Miss Haines, how nice of you to bless us with your presence " Vernon turned to face her,"You've earned yourself another Saturday"

Trying not to roll her eyes,she made her way over to the front desk . Taking the seat furthest from the athlete,she dumped her bag on the chair next to her,feeling everyone in the room was watching her closely. Instead of glaring back she ignored them.

"It is now seven-oh-six. You have exactly eight hours and fifty four minutes to think about why your here"

At the sound of someone hacking loudly,Skye turned her head and saw that the criminal now tilted his head back and spat in the air,catching it in his mouth again a moment later. The princess gasped quietly in disgust and turned to face the front again with a revolted expression.

"You may not talk". Vernon states,ignoring what the criminal had just done as he pointed a finger at the princess who had a somewhat shocked expression on her face

"You will not move from these seats" as she turned her whole body around to dig through her bag,she noticed the boy behind her. His backside had been about to land in the middle chair at his desk. After a moment pause he move back.

"You will not read". Vernon look pointedly at her. Before she even had a chance to take the book out of her bag, she dropped it from her grasp.

He made his way over to the criminal. "And you..." He started and yank the chair from under his seat,placing it on the other side of the table,"Will not sleep"

After a moment pause,he continued once more .

"Alright people were gonna try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay" Making his way to the back table he started handing out paper and pencils. "Of no less than a thousand words,describing to me who you are"

"This a test?" The criminal asked boredly as Vernon put a sheet of paper and pencil on the table in front of him.

"And when I say essay,i mean essay" The principal continued ignoring the criminal smart remark. "I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear Mr Bender"

"Crystal" The criminal,Bender, drawled with a smirk.

"Good. Maybe you'll learned a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even decide wether or not you care to return"

Skye turned her head to look at the boy behind her as he raised his hand and stood up.

"Uh,ya know i can even answer that right now Sir... That'd be no,no for me cause.."

"Sit down Johnson" Vernon snapped

"Thank you sir" Johnson mutters as he retook his seat

"My office is right across the hall" Vernon continued and he pointed out to open library door,any monkey business is ill-advised. Any questions?"

"Yeah I got a question" Bender spoke up with a smirk," Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?"

As the other snickered quietly Vernon replied.

"I'll give you the answer to that question,Mr Bender,next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man,you'll get the horns" he turned and headed towards his office.

Bender spoke up once more,pointing at the mans retreating figure,"That man...is a brownie hound"

Skye unzip her jacket as soon Vernon entered the office. Placing it in the back of her seat,she began tying her hair up in a ponytail with a ponytail holder that was once on her wrist.

The room was silent until a soft clicking sound fill the room. Like everyone else Skye turned around to find the dark-haired girl was too busy biting her thumbnail to notice the looks the other teen gave her. The other five teen watched as she looked at her thumb for a moment then she brought it back toward her mouth,only to pause when she notice the others looking a her. She stared at them then stuck her nail in her mouth and bit it down.

Skye turned back to her bag and fished around in it once more for her book, as she opened the book she couldn't help but hear Bender mocking remark.

"You keep eating your hand,your not going to be hungry for lunch" At his words,Skye looked up at Allison. The girl stared at him and she spat the nail she just bitten off at him. It didn't hit him of course but it went a good distance.

"I've seen you before,ya know" Bender continued,ignoring the nail that was spat at him as he pointed to Allison then turned to the bookworm,"Ive seen you before too"

She shrugged and returned her gaze back to her book,not really caring.


Hmm... What so ya guys think about this story so far ? Hm? Hmm? HMMMM?

Good? Good. 😃

Omg guys my uncle is coming to visit us during winter break.. Never seen him in awhile !❤❤

And thank you for 2 weekend break.. I've been waiting forever ! Since the first day of school. BOL!

Anyways I'm crazy.. Im a go to sleep now ;3



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