❝what if something happens to you?❞ ⇝ soarindash

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author's note

again and always, for the teals gc <3

LezFleetHeThey-simplicitae-mycloudominuim, i love u




Soarin slipped on his jacket, wiggling around in it since it hadn't been worn in a while. He grabbed his phone from his desk, reaching the hallway but stopped when he saw Rainbow leaning against his suitcases.

"Oh, hey, Dashie."

"Do you have everything?" She said, brushing off his greeting. Soarin pulled the corner of his mouth into his cheek.

"Yeah, I think so."


"Right here." He held up his hand.


Soarin gestured to his jeans. "In my pocket."


His lips formed a pout. Why was Rainbow being so cold today? He walked up to where his suitcases were, pulling up the handle of one so this didn't look awkward.

"Something wrong?" he asked. Dash shook her head, avoiding eye contact. "C'mon, you can't lie to me." He wrapped his arms over her shoulders, shifting his weight onto one leg.

"Ugh..." Rainbow's shoulders dropped. "I'm just—what if something happens to you?"

Soarin scrunched his face up. "What do you mean?"

"Like..." she trailed off, hiding her face. "On the trip, what if something happens and you can't come back?"

His face softened, cracking an endeared smile. "Oh, Dashie..."

"Shut uuuuup," she whined. "I'm just worried."

"Flash and Timber are gonna be with me, it'll be fine."

"I-I know... but..." She pulled her mouth into a straight line. "You know what, forget I asked." She shook Soarin's arms off her shoulders and crossed her own arms.

"Why did you ask, though?" he asked with a lopsided grin, bending down a bit so he could see her face. Rainbow's lip was slightly jutted out. She's so cute, God.

"Because I want you to be safe."

"Awww," Soarin giggled.

"Take care of yourself though." She lifted her head up. Honestly, everything this girl did was somehow the most adorable and whenever he was around her, his cuteness aggression – or whatever Twilight called it – levels would climb off the graph. Fuuuck, he whined in his head.

"Of course, Dashie." He extended his free arm out so Rainbow could give him a side hug but instead the girl wrapped her arms around his middle and placed her cheek on his chest.

When they pulled away, Rainbow shoved her hands in her jacket pockets. "I'm gonna make sure Sentry and Spruce do their job at keeping you safe."

Soarin snickered. "You act as if Flash wouldn't stab someone who lay a finger on me."

Rainbow passed him a knowing smile. "Still." She glanced at Soarin's shoe rack. "You gonna put on your shoes or what?"

Soarin looked back and jolted in realisation. "Oh, fuck—yeah." He reached his hand out to grab at his shoes, failing to put them on while standing and glaring at Rainbow who leaned against his wall, lightly chuckling at his struggle. "Shut up," he said, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late."

"See me off on the bus, okay?"

"You know I will."

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