6 am ⇝ flashspruce

34 0 9

author's note


timber spruce is transmasc in this !!! (he's assigned female at birth), referred to as he/him

he's on hormones but he hasn't gotten any surgery, hence the existence of this drabble. this is kinda just me projecting lmao

please do not take this as an educational piece !! just know that being transmasc isn't a monolith experience and trans people can feel whatever they want about their body, even if it doesn't make sense to cis people :]


6 AM



A voice stirred Flash awake enough to register who was calling out to him. He brushed it off with a squeeze of his eyes and a shift on the bed.


This time, Flash groaned, processing just how warm his body was under the covers and the way it didn't match the temperature above his shoulders. He rolled over onto his side, coincidentally in the direction of where the voice came from.

A hand shook Flash's shoulder, forcing him awake this time. Flash groaned loudly and sighed heavily.

"Timber, what is it." It was more of a complaint than a question but in his defence Flash would still be asleep at this time and Timber would be trying to wake him up in much more entertaining ways than just nudging him. (Including but not limited to: body launching onto him, smacking his face with a pillow, one time obnoxiously yelling that he would drag Flash out of bed himself and he almost succeeded with a 'test' tug until Flash yelped and jumped out.)

Flash turned to the bedside table and switched his phone on. Barely minutes past six AM.

"Timber, what the hell," he muttered.

When Timber managed to force out the word "cramps," Flash's eyes shot open and he flung himself back to the boy curled in on himself next to him, arms wrapped about his stomach and face scrunched up in pain.


His hands momentarily quivered around Timber's body before he threw himself out of bed and rushed into the kitchen for a painkiller and a hot water bottle. He snatched a half-full glass while his other hand cupped the white tablet and was on his way back only to backtrack and let the tap run for the hot water bottle.

Timber had made an effort to sit up on the bed but his hips were stiff and his frustrated expression convinced Flash that it was gonna stay like that for a while.

"So it finally came?" he asked as he handed Timber the glass and painkiller.

He struggled to even nod. Once he gulped it down and sighed a groan after chugging down the majority of the water, he said, "woke up to a sharp sting up my ass."

Flash grimaced. "You're wearing a pad?"

Timber nodded. A period scare two days ago aided that. He handed Flash the glass back and collapsed on the bed. Flash would jump onto him and smother his cheeks in kisses because he looked absolutely adorable but he wasn't sure what Timber's mood was at the moment.

He jolted when he processed the sound of running water in his ears. "Fuck, wait."

It took him seven-ish seconds to race to and back with the hot water bottle, wincing at the heat. He bit his bottom lip and endured it until he basically chucked it at Timber's stomach.

Timber just about managed to force out a laugh. "Thanks, angel."

Flash chuckled and sat at the edge of the bed. Enough distance between them.

"Times like these are when I question whether I actually want to keep my uterus." Timber threw his head back against the pillow, fingers tapping along the hot water bottle.

"You could just get your ovaries removed. Unless you want kids," Flash replied and bit down a grin when Timber glanced up at him. He couldn't help but giggle when Timber eyed him suspiciously.

He hummed suspiciously too until what Flash expected was Timber's ovaries, judging by his face, hurt again. He groaned low in his throat at the pain this time.

"Are kids even worth it, honestly?"

Flash chuckled.

"Okay, do you need anything else?"

Timber rolled onto his chest - Flash wasn't sure if that position was even comfortable for him knowing his chest size - with the hot water bottle under him. He stood.

"I wan' chocolate." Timber pouted up at him, cheek squished into the pillow.

Flash stayed silent, simply looking at him in case he wanted to either repeat himself or change his mind.

Timber eyed him, expression transforming into a huff. "Chocolate."

"Timber, you haven't even brushed your teeth."

Timber made a noise practically akin to a growl. Flash's laughter vibrated body.

He animatedly gestured to his pelvis in a surprisingly agile manner for his state. "Do you not see?! I am in pain!"

"Going to brush your teeth can't be that hard!"

"I am literally unable to fucking move, smartass!"

"Well, what am I supposed to do about that?!"

"Get me chocolate?!"

"How is chocolate gonna make your pain stop?! That's what the painkiller is for!"

Timber looked as intimidating as a snarling kitten but Flash knew Timber was close to yelling his ass out the door if Flash didn't get him chocolate within the next minute.

Flash sighed and threw his hands up. "Fine! I'll get it for you but you're not having it unless you brush your teeth."

The last thing Flash heard before he went off to trash his boyfriend's (well, technically, Gloriosa's) kitchen was Timber's loud, irritated and attention-seeking whine.

This morning would probably end with Flash carrying Timber bridal to the bathroom and back, ignoring his biceps' cries for help, as well as Timber getting Flash out the running for The Most Dramatic Boyfriend.

But it was nice that he was able to expect that, nice that he wasn't even a bit anxious about Timber's complaints because they bounced off the love Timber provided him with, nice that Timber tried to hide his pouty looks of adoration when Flash carried him but Flash knew exactly how to find them.

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