bodily contact ⇝ flashspruce

54 3 21

author's note

let's go gay people

jagiya • jag-i-ya (kor.) – honey, sweetheart





"Yeah, jagiya?" Flash said, looking up from his notebook, tapping the end of his pen on the spiral-bound. Timber didn't answer, he only crawled closer to Flash, soon lifting his left arm to snuggle close to him. Timber's hair tickled Flash's jaw, causing him to giggle. He caught on and shook his head against Flash's skin, tickling him more. "Timber!"

The younger boy grinned, too proud at making his boyfriend laugh, and he sighed, wrapping his arms around Flash's body.

"What?" Flash asked in a soft voice, smiling at the end. He placed his notebook and pen beside him to wrap his arms around Timber's shoulders.

"I like it when you call me that." Timber muttered, looking up at him. Flash's right hand moved up, running through Timber's ruffled green hair, brushing it out of his eyes.

"Call you jagiya?"

"Mhm." Timber nodded, nuzzling his nose along Flash's jaw. Fuck, he was the cutest.

If there was anything he had learned from Timber, it was that the boy loved bodily contact. And since Flash grew up with a lot of affection around him, being Korean born, he also turned out to be naturally affectionate too, so he and Timber just clicked. His boyfriend would, from time to time, hook his chin over Flash's shoulder when he was cooking or grab at Flash to either be spooned by him or spoon him.

They've always been like that from the start, actually. Before when they were friends, when Flash came late because he was the one sneaking out soju from his house, there would be no room left on the couches so Timber just pulled Flash onto his lap as if it was nothing, Timber's chest against Flash's back.

So this was normal for them. Just random moments in their day where one of them felt needy, so they crawled into the other's arms and cuddled. It made Flash feel amazing if he was being honest. And now whenever Timber had to work at the camp, Flash would realise how empty he felt because he spent pretty much all day either in Timber's arms or Timber in his arms.

"Why are you so quiet tonight?" Flash asked, playing with Timber's hair, moving it away from Timber's forehead. He wasn't very concerned,

"'M tired," Timber said. Flash's lips pressed against his forehead.

"You wanna sleep now?"

Timber stayed silent for a bit, staring at Flash's notebook.

"Nah, it's okay."

"I asked if you wanna sleep now," he chuckled.

Timber shuffled upwards in Flash's hold. "Maybe in a little bit." Timber's arms rose from being wrapped around Flash's waist to under his own arms and snuggled closer.

"Okay, Timber," Flash said. But Timber looked at him, a pout forming in his lips. "Okay, jagiya." Flash corrected, completely failing to hide his grin. Timber smiled happily and leaned in, pecking Flash on the lips. Instinctively, Flash chased after Timber's lips when he pulled away. He chuckled after they parted for the second time, touching his nose against Flash's.

God, did he love this boy so fucking much.

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