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I'm sorry if this chapter turns out to be shit,but just a few hours before I wrote it, Zayn quitted the band and I'm devestated. I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest twice. It's not easy,guys. It's not and it hurts.


Bruno's POV

Birthdays are meant to be spent with the most special people of your life,in places you love. But what if a piece is missing from the puzzle? What if one specific person wouldn't be coming for that one time of the year? What if I had to spent my birthday feeling alone?

It's unfair to my family and best friends,but the love of my life and the father of my child will not join me for the most important day of the year for me.

My boyfriend will be miles away,an ocean between us. I'll only talk to him for half an hour through skype just like every other day. Since he moved to LA,we haven't been able to contact each other as frequently as in the beginning.It hurts,but we'll get over it.

Get over it,yes. I am not planning to stay commited and stuck with someone who has me as an obstacle in his life. Drew may not have say that yet, but when he eventually will, I will be ready to let him go. It's probably confusing for anyone out of this relationship, but once you live a similar experience, you will finally understand mine.

No one has been unfazed by this. Valeria and Tom's part time job is to keep me entertained. They are trying to make me feel better and it really warms my heart. Our parents are truly a shoulder to lean on. They have been the most supportive human beings on this planet, by not just hearing me out,but giving me advice, finding solutions and in the end, giving me a hug.

A hug.

A hug is all I'm asking for.

And that's what is waking me up right now. Two hugs, not just one. My parents are on either side of me on the bed and have wrapped their arms around me.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Dad Louis kisses my forehead first and leans on my shoulder. Dad Liam continues by pecking my temple and squeezing me carefully.

"Thank you." I smile widely. It seems to be a good day and I'm feeling happy.That's a first.

"Let's go eat some breakfast..."Dad says and drags dad Louis from being on top of me, which results on him falling on the floor, having a nice meet-up with the carpeted floor. He is my dad, he is in pain, but me and dad Liam just burst out laughing even if my father is still lying on the floor,groaning and cursing at us of laughing. I haven't laughed like that for weeks.

Slowly, I get up from the bed,shirtless,only in a pair of sweatpants. Dad Louis has left the room to wash his face and then make breakfast, but dad Liam,who is still here, is looking weirdly,but happily at me. Or at my stomach,for that matter.

"You've started forming a bump,ha?" He smiles sheepishly and I frown.

"It's only because I'm eating like a pig,dad. It's too early for a bump."

He chuckles and comes over to me."It's totally a tiny bump,buddy. You haven't gained a pound from food."

"How do you know?" I furrow my eyebrows at him and he looks at me with 'Really?' written across his forehead and his eyebrow reaching his hairline.

"Right, you're a doctor. But seriously dad,I'm on the tenth week. Too early for a belly."

"Whatever you say."He chuckles and leaves my room. Quickly,I get changed and join my family for breakfast. My fathers are talented when it comes to cooking and I'm so glad I am their son. I didn't ate much though. Not because I didn't want to,but because another bunch of people made their way into the kitchen, the heavily pregnant one holding a huge vanilla cake.

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