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As the years passed and Bruno had grown up enough to know what he wanted his future to be like,Drew decided to take a step further into their relationship. After three and a half years, with a two year old baby completing their family,he was determined to propose to the eighteen-year-old love of his life.

Bruno hadn't shown any interest on getting married himself, but he was constantly crying when watching a movie who ended with weddings,when he saw old photos of their parents' weddings and especially the moment he found a magazine with tuxes for gay couples. So,that did it for Drew. Himself being twenty one and a half, he was ready to devote his whole life to Bruno.

The proposal wasn't that unique and luxurious, but it made Bruno's smile to almost rip his face in half. Drew wouldn't want anything more than that. By the time he said 'yes',Drew's life was ninety nine per cent complete. What would make that a hundred?


 Today,yes. It was their wedding day. Bruno would be married with his long time boyfriend in just a few minutes. His excitement was almost hidden by his anxiety and fear, but when he walked down the aisle and reached the steps to his partner, everything disappeared. He could only look into the beautiful blue eyes he fell in love with and forget about anything else.

"We were gathered all here today, to..."The priest started and both of them were too lost in each other's eyes to even hear him. It was time for Ronald to give them their rings. Everyone laughed when Ron tripped on the steps, but all of them were too fond of the whole ceremony to care. It was just an add for funny stories to tell in the future.

 Everything was perfect.

"Daddy,"A whine came from their feet as the happily married couple moved to their first dance.They looked down to see a two-year-old Ethan wanting to be picked up and making grabby hands.Drew chuckled and lifted him up, wrapping his arm around Bruno's waist again. As their swayed according to the music -Drew's new song, "Our Dreams"-,Bruno started crying from happiness. Drew was expecting he would cry today,so he just smiled fondly at his husband and pulled him closer to kiss his head,while adjusting the toddler on his hip.

Their wedding day was pretty much perfect. Only beautiful memories that would be there for a long time. A life time. And maybe,their dreams weren't exactly planned to be like this, but both of them wouldn't ask for anything more. The teenage dream they had was nothing compared to their family,while their relationship didn't affect Drew's career at all. A true family; That's what they were. The truest, kindest, lovliest and most caring family that everyone wished for.

And as Drew's song said...

 "And our dreams are who we are, but maybe, if you love life, life will love you back and will give you more than that..."

Just a short,happy epilogue to end this book. It's the third book I'm finishing and It's a great feeling,especially for how many things I have gained. The reads and the votes don't really matter when there are beautiful people like you commenting down there. Some became fans recently,some others left the story...but you know what? All of you have said some words that have made my days, that have cheered me up when I'm down and that's what I care for. I love you all so much.

If you want to read more stories of mine then,I have three more. A Larry one,a Zouis one and a book full of one shots(which I highly suggest,because it's not badly written like the books I wrote when I was 15.).I'm waiting for your requests for an one shot and hopefully,I'll see you all to another book.

And for the last time,comment and vote!

Our Dreams - Sequel To 'Our Love'Where stories live. Discover now