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"Hey,Drew!"I greeted him,smiling,but he just glared at me,waved me off and walked over to his friends at the end of the hallway.How can he do that to me?He has known me for ten years,we spent all of our holidays together, his parents and my parents are best friends and he acts like he hates me.Maybe the fact that I'm gay annoys him,or it is just my hopeless self that he can't even bother to get to know.From what our parents tell me,he used to have a crush on me until I was eight and he was twelve. Then,everything changed. I remember some things, how he used to hug me and kiss my cheeks,playing with me,but that's the past.Present time and he hates my guts. No one knows the reason and no one has managed to find out,except for me.I asked him once,when we were alone in my house (our parents had gone out and had put him 'babysit' me),but he only said that he can't be friends with me,just because I'm annoying,childish and too young for him.It hurt,but I couldn't but,be in love with him.I love him with all my heart.Only my dad,Louis,knows that and he says that that's how uncle Justin and uncle Niall started,but I don't believe him.He only says that to comfort me.

Being an only child is bad.I have friends of course,but I would love to have a brother or a sister to talk to.My best friends and Drew's siblings,Valeria and Tom,act like my brother and sister some times, but at home,alone with my dad, it turns lonely. Oh yeah, I have only one dad.Him and my father divorced when I was three years old and they aren't in really good terms.I see my dad,Liam,every weekend and Evey second Wednesday, even though he lives only five minutes away from us.They love each other, I can see that and I don't understand why did they break up,nor do they tell me.

"Well,let's just say that he doesn't like you.I'm his sister,why doesn't he greet me?"Valeria frowns and I laugh.

"You are with me, valid enough?"I say sadly and Tom coos hugging me.They know too,but they are really supportive.Vale is eight months older than me while Tommy is a year younger and we get on really well.I love them to death.

"It sucks having a big brother!The only thing he does is ignore me."Valeria whines as she leans down to put her light brown hair into a ponytail.

"I'd love to have a brother,Val."I pointed out and Tom patted my shoulder saying,"You'd love to have our brother."I laugh,nodding and smack the back of his head.

"Let's go,dad will kill us."Valeria said and dragged me through the hallway to go to our class.Yep,uncle Niall was still a math teacher in our school. Tommy left to go in his own and we took our seats,at the back of the room as everyone looked at us.You could say we are popular here.Everyone loves us,they always invite us to parties etc.

"Bruno,up to the board."Uncle Niall smirked and I glared at him,getting up and easily solving the exercise. Good thing,I had studied for today.

"Great job,Bruno,but please,pay attention."I nodded and sat back down,next to Valeria.She had her glasses on,copying the answers from the board to her notebook.

"Is that your brother?"I whispered,pointing to some boys leaving the school.

"Dad!"Valeria yelled and immediately corrected herself,"Sorry.Mr.Horan,Drew's leaving...again"

Uncle Niall looked out of the window and shook his head. He put one finger the air,signaling that he'll be gone for a minute and left the classroom.

"What a great sister."I laughed and she shrugged,"Always."


"Dad?I'm home!"I announced,but the only response I got was a moan.A moan?

"Dad!"I shouted,covering my eyes once I saw my dad,hovering over a woman on the couch.

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