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"Your Eyes Tell"

Namjoon had been avoiding Seokjin since the past week, as if Seokjin were the plague and Seokjin didn't know why. What did Seokjin even do? Because knowing Namjoon for almost two years, he knew that Namjoon only avoids someone if they're obnoxious or if they have done something.

But they even used to sit together in classes until last week. What happened then? Was it something at home or something Seokjin did?

"Enough!" Seokjin snatched the book away from the taller blonde who was reading it.

Startled, the blonde looked up at the person who ruined his peaceful time. It was the none other than Kim Seokjin.

He sighed at the pouting male and gently took his book back, back to reading it again. As if nothing happened.

"Joonie!" He ignored the whining blonde and ignored the hurt he felt at the nickname. He has Hoseok, Namjoon. He reminded himself.

"Why are you ignoring me??" The blonde continued his whining. It was cute, but Namjoon is more pettier than that.

"Come on, I'm lonely, give me attention!" He was literally throwing a tantrum now. The corners of Namjoon's lips twitched, but he continued reading the book.

The people around them in the library were whispering about them. Well, Namjoon didn't give a shit about it, but they were whispering about Seokjin too.

So he stood up, looked at each of them with a bored, piercing glare. "Is there a drama going on in here?" He asked. That's when each of them closed their books and left the place, scared of Namjoon's glare.

Namjoon scoffed. Pathetic.

Then he also left the room, leaving an offended, confused, hurt and pouting Seokjin behind.

3 weeks later...

Now Seokjin had enough. Even Hoseok avoided every conversation related to Namjoon. What was going on?

His thoughts were cut off by a way too high-pitched and annoyingly piercing voice. "Kim Seokjin!" Kwon Minyoung. Ugh. Seokjin groaned internally.

"What is it Minyoung?" The mentioned girl pouted, which looked faker than fake and her face looked like a fish. Seokjin cringed.

"Why are you treating me like this? You're so rude!" Seokjin rolled his eyes. He can't deal with this, he needs Namjoon for this shit.

That's when he remembered, then pouted and crossed his arms. He was certainly not going to speak to that meanie. Two can play the game.

It's been fifteen minutes. He was trapped in the lockers room listening to ear piercing whining and tantrums. "Pay attention to me! Don't you love me anymore?" Seokjin cringed again. Her delusion was way too much for him to handle.

"We were never dating, Kwon Minyoung. You're living in a fucking delusion! Leave me alone!" Seokjin never curses, but it was enough.

He saw Hoseok at a distance and tried to call for help but couldn't. Then Minyoung grabbed him and tried to kiss him but then...

"Let go of him Minyoung." Both Minyoung and Seokjin looked up at the source of the voice. Literally looked up because of the person's height.

Minyoung pouted again while Seokjin cringed hard. He was scared. "Why can't I kiss my own boyfriend, Namjoon?" The taller male sighed and grabbed Seokjin's hand and left the lockers. Minyoung whining behind them.

But then Seokjin suddenly stopped, causing Namjoon to almost topple over. "Now you decide to talk to me? After almost a month??" Namjoon didn't reply, just stared blankly at the glaring male.

Then he whined. "Joonie!" Namjoon still didn't reply, so he attached himself to him, hugging the life out of him. "I miss you! Why are you avoiding me?"

Namjoon would be lying if he said that didn't melt his heart or make him feel guilty, but then he noticed the glaring Hoseok. He gently pulled Seokjin off of him, then gave him a small, sad smile. "Your boyfriend wouldn't like that."

"My boyfriend?" Seokjin looked confused, but then looked at Hoseok, then it clicked in. Namjoon then left the scene, leaving Seokjin behind.

"Hobi, did you threaten Namjoon?" Seokjin asked his boyfriend in all seriousness.

Hoseok didn't even hesitate and said, "Yes, I did. But I did not threaten, I just told him to stay away."

"But why?" Seokjin asked.

He pouted. "You are my boyfriend. That's not a lie, and he's just gonna hurt you hyung." Then he hugged Seokjin to make him less mad at him.

Seokjin just sighed and let him. It was true anyway. He can't be mad at Hoseok. They've been best friends since they were in diapers. He always wants the best for him.

"Always, I lost my all ways."

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