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"I'm the one I should love"
-5 months-

It was their last year of being highschoolers and only a week before graduation. Seokjin and Namjoon did talk, but not much. Namjoon was back to being the cold, rude person he used to be.

Hoseok? He made sure everything was alright. He had no problem with Namjoon. He was just keeping his boyfriend safe from getting hurt.

He doesn't have enough time left anyway... Hoseok only had about a month left with Seokjin. After that, he wouldn't have to worry about Seokjin getting hurt.

Hoseok didn't like Seokjin's routine at all. The blonde had started drinking and partying. But for no bad reasons, according to the elder. He just wanted to live his life. So Hoseok let him.

"Hyung, please let's go to class." He had also started skipping classes. It didn't impact too much as Seokjin was a genius. But his grades surely dropped. As a result, Seokjin was almost in the category of the worst students.

"But Hobi-"

"Please? I don't have long left with you. Consider this my last wish." And Seokjin sighed, defeated. He could never deny Hoseok even if he wanted to.


Who was this blonde? Whoever he was, Namjoon didn't know him. He looked like Kim Seokjin, but was someone else. Kim Seokjin wasn't a man-slut or a playboy. He didn't neglect his studies for petty parties.

Kim Seokjin was a sweetheart. Always put everyone before him. He was a genius. And the most innocent and purest human being alive. The owner of Namjoon's heart. His Jinnie.

But who was this? Namjoon didn't know him.

It hurt him to see Seokjin like this. Well, you shouldn't have gotten attached. His mind taunted him. Feelings are for the weak. Feelings are only shackles. Namjoon believed it.

But he still got attached. He still fell for him. But all he got in return for giving Seokjin his heart was, heartbreak.

Feelings are for the weak...

That's what Namjoon had taught himself ever since he was a child. Spending thirteen years of his life in an abusive household had made him as hard as a stone, as cold as ice.

After getting put into foster care, he met Taehyung. The only person he loved and protected as an elder brother.

Until Seokjin came in the picture and changed everything. The child who was fed with sadness, abuse, loneliness, torture and trauma was now being fed with anger, jealousy, heartbreak, hurt and rage.

It was a deadly combination. It would only take a little more for the monster within him to burst. It had been fed too much. It wasn't a scared, tortured, abused boy anymore. It was a monster.

"How kind of you to join us here Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung." The teacher welcomed the two in with sarcasm. Hoseok and Seokjin both apologized for being late and walked in after being permitted by the teacher.

But now the issue was, there were no vacant seats. Well there were, but all of them were occupied by at least one person, and Seokjin and Hoseok always sat together no matter what.

While Seokjin was looking for seats, Hoseok had already taken a seat beside Jaemin. The only seat available was next to Namjoon.

It really was ironic. Because Seokjin avoided Namjoon more than he did Seokjin. And Namjoon didn't understand the reason behind it.

After Seokjin had asked Namjoon as to why he avoids him, he told him the truth. Hoseok had told him not to talk to Seokjin or approach him. But Seokjin was the one who replied with his goofy grin that, "He restricted you from approaching me. Not me from approaching you."

Yet, now Seokjin was the one who avoided Namjoon. Namjoon could have simply thought it was because of Hoseok, but no. The redhead had apologized to him for being rude. They were friends now. At least according to Hoseok, they were.

"Seokjin, please sit beside Namjoon, we have already wasted a lot of time. I need to resume my class." Seokjin nodded and bowed respectfully, before sitting next to Namjoon.

The rest of the day went by a blink. Namjoon had spent it spacing out. But as he sat in his room, contemplating, he decided that he had has enough.

Exactly what the hell was wrong with Seokjin?


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