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Danny Phantom


Test subject 52KA


Sam's POV

(2hrs later)

School just ended and no sign of Danny. Tucker and I headed to Fenton Works to see if he went home. We arrived at Fenton Works rather quickly I stormed strait in not even acknowledging the three Fenton's that were drinking coffee in the Kitchen. Jazz looked at me and immediately rose from her seat and followed me to Danny's room. As I suspected he wasn't here. ''What's going on?'' said Jazz concern etched into her voice.

''Danny didn't come back to class after lunch, so I figured the ghost took some more time, but then he didn't come back to school I came strait here right after.'' I said while looking for some type of clue. ''Maybe he's patrolling or fighting ghosts'' jazz asked trying to look on the Brightside. There wasn't a ghost all day then all of a sudden his ghost sense goes off and he doesn't come back.'' I said softly. Jazz put a hand on her chin thinking of a rational explanation. ''Maybe he's with Dash.'' Tucker chuckled. ''that's a first''. I just glared at him. '' he's cool now Tucker even with you plus you're the Mayor you can't play favorites.'' He just pouted I couldn't help but snicker. ''Fine''. And the search for Danny began.

Danny's POV

My head was throbbing and I was cold the first thing I noticed when i woke up was that i was in a ghost proof cell not a good sign. I kept listening for movement but not a trace of life. All I knew was I wasn't safe and whatever wanted me wasn't friendly. I pulled frantically at the ghost proof chains that held me. No luck they didn't budge an inch. I just stood there chained to the wall hoping that somehow I would escape and find my family. Not an hour later I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall, and it made me think am I the only one here?

Sam's POV

We looked all over Amity no sign of Danny, and with time passing and still no sign of my love, Tucker and I searched all of our normal team hangouts, nothing. I wondered if I'd ever see Danny again, I tried to calm myself as a single tear went down my face.

Tuckers POV

I looked everywhere even the places we go to without Sam no sign of him, it worried me that maybe I'll never see my best friend again. We looked everywhere but no luck. Eventually it was too big of a search for just two people so I called Dash Baxter for help eventually we had the whole school besides teachers looking for him. I just hope with still no sign of him eventually it was too much and everyone went home but Sam and I, Sam came up to me as the sun started to set. ''I think it's time to tell Mr. and Mrs. Fenton it's been over 24 hours we can file a missing person form.'' Sam said sadly she was hurting the most we walked to Danny's to give Mr. and Mrs. Fenton the news. I hope Jazz is there to its going to be hard for us to give the news imagine his parents.

Maddie's POV

Jazz was reading in the living room reading books on child phycology jack was in the lab and I was making dinner when Sam and Tucker burst in the house fear and concern in their eyes. Immediately thought where's Danny? ''Sam, Tucker?'' I said frantically as I felt the world crumble beneath me. ''We can't find Danny we looked everywhere!'' they yelled as Sam broke down crying. I hugged her as tears went down my own cheeks. ''So no luck?'' Jazz asked as she looked up from her book. ''No'' Sam said as she cried harder. She tried to figure out the mystery of her missing brother, and the search began.

Dani's POV

You know being a clone of the most famous half ghost, ghost hunter is pretty cool, and I mean I am him, kind of. He saved me from Vlad if it wasn't for him and Valerie of course I would be a big puddle of nothing. I had to find him no matter what!

Authors note

Hey fanfictioners hope u loved the update more to come since I have my word working now keep reading!



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