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Danny Phantom


Test Subject 52KAï

CH. 6

A.N hey guys I think this is the fastest update I've done in my whole experience on this site well enjoy...

Sam's POV

It's been a few hours, and were all still thinking of a plan to save Danny. Everyone fell asleep about an hour ago. I don't know how were going to get out of here but I was determined to find a way out.

Danny's POV

Day who knows and counting... every bone in my body was burning with extreme pain. No one deserves this pain... except me. I don't deserve anything, anything good, just pain that's what I deserve. I need to get out of here. I need my family, my home. But I don't think I'll see them again I failed them...

Jack's POV

It's been a few hours and were still stuck in this stupid net. We need to get out of here to save Danny. Question is how? We didn't know what to do, we've been planning all night but we don't think we thought of anything good enough. A man came into the room probably checking on us. He was messing with something... question is what?

Sam's POV

He just stood there, not sure why, holding some sort of laser? Might come in handy, if we can get it. We watched as the man left, the man returned shortly after wondering around. I wonder what he's doing. Strange man I thought... then all of a sudden he tripped. I gasped as a tiny laser came straight at me and went into my mouth. I quickly shut my mouth as he got up and left the room. Ounce he left I quickly opened my mouth and took out the object. ''What's that?'' asked Mrs. Fenton. ''I'm not sure?'' I told her as I wiped it with my shirt, it was in my mouth after all. ''can I see''? She asked, I nodded and quickly gave it to her, she studied it thoroughly. It's a laser!'' she yelled excitedly but only loud enough for us to hear. ''So do you think we could use it to escape''? asked Jazz hopefully. ''ya I think so''. Said Tucker. '' Sam why don't you do it''? Said Maddie as she gave it to me. ''okay I'll give it a try I quickly played with it to see if I could activate the laser it lit fairly quickly. I quickly lasered the net in half and we quickly ran out of the net and out of the room being careful not to attract attention.

Agent K POV

Phantom has been a giant pain in our butt, and it's time to finish him... for good. I thought as I turned on the machine Phantom was connected to, and raised the power to its max level. Music was ringing in my ears as that ghost freak screamed to high heaven.

Sam's POV

We kept a good eye out for anyone coming. ''Lets hide in this closet and wait for them to leave.'' I said as I lead everyone into the closet and closed the door.

Danny's POV

It hurt everything, it was happening still so I couldn't focus on my surroundings please someone save me and get me out of this nightmare. They seemed so focused, a bell rang signaling their lunch hour, and off they went leaving the machine to drain me from inside out. I couldn't stop screaming the pain was too much to bare. It was as if all my limbs were turned off, I should just give up now and never try again.

Tucker's POV

I opened the door and right in the center of the room was Danny strapped down in some contraption. ''Mr. and Mrs. Fenton keep an eye on the door I'm going to get Danny out.'' I told them as I took out my tools to try and fry the circuits out of the thing that held Danny. It took a while but after a few seconds I got it open and Danny, came falling out of the machine, Sam helped me drag Danny to his father who took him and held him tightly in his arms an brought him up to his face and softly kissed his forehead as a single tear went down his face. ''Hey this is a great reunion and all but if we don't get out of here soon we won't see another day''. Said Danielle. ''she's right.'' said Sam, and we quickly headed down the hall with Danny in jacks arms.

Jack's POV

I held my boy in my arms as he breathed slowly and quickly at the same time, we ran around the building until we found a hole in a back room that wasn't hidden properly... idiots we all hurriedly made our way into the hole. Me leading the way with Danny in my arms and my family right behind me followed by Sam and Tucker in the rear.

Maddie's POV

I finally got my baby back now we just have to get out of this hole. . I thought to myself as I followed Jack as he worked his way up with one arm. a few minutes later we made it out of the hole and into the light when we all got out it was bright, and the R.V was parked right out front so we bolted to it as fast as we could. Ounce we were all in. Sam and Jack set Danny in the back bed with Jazz and the other kids as Jack took off to Amity Park as fast as he could possibly faster than normal... were all Happy to have Danny home safe and sound


there you have it the end of sea 4 ep 4 Test subject 52KA hope you enjoyed it see you next time.


anyone have a pic of Danny from reign storm where hes waking up at the end in bed?

Danny Phantom in Test Subject 52KAWhere stories live. Discover now