ch 4

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Danny Phantom


Test Subject 52KA

CH. 4

authors note Hey guys so here's the next  ch

Tuckers POV

I used my tech skills to make fliers and E- fliers for Danny, I put a picture of both his Fenton and Phantom form on it, now for the Foley trick. Hacking all TVs and computers to do a red alert missing persons update, Im going to need a lot of help making these fliers and E- fliers to find Danny. I thought to myself as I texted Sam, about my Idea for finding Danny she replied my text not even a minute after texting her. ''Great idea Tuck meet you at the Nasty Burger in five minutes''. Said her text as I grabbed my things and headed to the Nasty Burger.

Sam's POV I grabbed my backpack and put the ring Danny gave me during the disateroid incident on my finger before heading downstairs, I walked into the kitchen kissed, grandma on the head and grabbed two croissants for Tucker and I after that I poured a glass of orange juice then downing it before heading towards the front door I was nearly home free before my mother caught me as I was reaching for the doorknob. ''Samantha where are you going?'' my mother demanded as she descended the stairs in her morning robe. I looked at her with flabbergasted eyes. '' To see Tucker at the Nasty burger were going to discuss a plan on a way to find Danny. You should know I told you... he's been missing for three days.'' I told her with a hint of venom in my voice. She just looked down as she dusted her gloves on her apron. ''Well be home by ten'' she told me as she went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I just rolled my eyes and slammed the front door as I left.

Jazz's POV

So I just got letters from Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. but with Danny missing I can't decide right away if I do it may be the wrong decision. So this is the last thing from my mind. I decided to take my car and do a drive by look around for Danny, I hope he's okay. I was driving around Amity when I saw Tucker and Sam walk into the Nasty Burger probably deciding on the plan to find Danny. Who could do such a thing? I couldn't possibly think of anyone who might intentionally want to hurt Danny. But it did make me realize that everyone wasn't going to like him either. I had to think of a plan to save him.

Sam's POV

We looked at all our options but nothing seemed to be coming to mind we had to decide on a plan to Save Danny and we had to decide soon with Danny gone more ghosts came to town and with no one here to save it, is Amity doomed?

Danny's POV

I didn't even get too fully view where I was it was dark and cold they removed my eye mask and by the looks of it I was in there Lab I felt a chill go down my spine my worst nightmare is about to come true I thought to myself as they came closer with the scalpel....

Jack's POV

When it was finally twenty-four hours the police finally agreed to start helping us find Danny, Maddie was so distraught, and I tried to calm her while driving the R.V but it's hard trying to calm her when I'm too distraught for the safe return of our son I know I could a buffoon but when It comes to my family the gloves are off I just hope we find our baby boy, but then another thought occurred to me. What if they took him far from Amity and I never see him again? I thought sadly to myself as I grabbed Maddie's hand and drove around Amity, one final time for the night before heading home.

Sam's POV

I was going over plans when Tucker came running up with a ton of papers scrambled in his hands. ''Need help?'' I asked as I ran up to him. ''Sure, thanks Sam'' he told me as he handed me some of the papers. ''I say we split up you cover uptown Amity and I'll handle downtown.'' I told as I grabbed a handful of Posters. '' Sure ok '' he told me as he fixed his glasses and grabbed a handful of his own posters. ''Alight we'll meet back at Fenton works at eight thirty'' I told him as I headed downtown. ''Okay Sam'' he told me as he headed Uptown. I Hope we find him. I thought to myself as I began my search.

Danny's POV

Pain that's all I felt...I don't know how long I was out but I know my originally worst nightmare has come true not counting the Dan incident so I knew the thing that my parents threatened to do to me Has happened...but instead It was the guys in white and I guess the will to fight left me before I could even think of a Plan, then everything went black.. Once again...


Hey everyone hope you liked it any ideas would be helpful thanks


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