ch 3

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Danny Phantom


Test subject 52KA


Hey everyone here's Ch. 3 sorry for the late update but im also hand writing this episode and for the guest that said Sam was OOC i wanted her to be more open. Through the first 2 seasons she was closed because she was scared that Danny didn't like her that way even you can clearly see how they felt for one another. So for season 4 I decided to open Sam's shell yet she still has her own ways of doing things.

Danny's POV

I couldn't see anything. When I was asleep they tied a cloth around my eyes.its been 17 hours since my abduction and as hard as it is to say this but. I'm scared, I mean alright say it Danny there the guys in white their idiots! I know but since the Disateroid they've been studding ghosts, and now that Vlad's gone and he exposed himself and since I saved the planet and they learned I was a halfa, well I guess just like the reality gauntlet incident... experiments. I just wish I could be with my family.

Jazz's POV

Mom and Dad went to the cops but they told them to go home and return in seven hours, due to the whole twenty-four hours and then we'll be concerned I thought bitterly to myself. I just hope Danny's ok.

Sam's POV

Tucker just went into his house while I walked slowly to my prison, oh I mean Mansion Mom and Dad are still getting used to Danny and me as a couple. Grandma couldn't be happier, I slowly opened the front door, and took off my coat. I entered the kitchen, Grandma looked up from her deck of cards she was looking through.

''Hello bubulah'' she said I wiped my eyes hoping not to get caught that I've been crying. ''What's the matter Sam?'' She asked concern in her voice. I looked at her and smiled sadly as I made myself some tea. ''It's Danny he's missing''. I said as I started crying I tried to compose myself but i couldn't, she held my hand as I cried.

''What happened?'' she asked, I explained everything and how the Fenton's went to the cops and they said it has to be twenty-four hours. She smiled sadly as she patted my hand to comfort me. ''You'll see him again and he'll come home safe and sound'' I smiled a sad smile and kissed her head and headed upstairs for bed. ''I hope your right''. I said to her as I went up to bed.

Tucker's POV

It's hard to focus on work when you're best friend goes missing it's officially been twenty four hours and the investigation has yet to begin

I called the police to see where this whole ordeal was headed.

Jazzes POV

Sam and I went looking for Danny as soon as Sam got out of school. I finished school around ten thirty so I had some time to do my homework. And meet up with Sam at four We looked everywhere but nothing and I was getting worried my little brother out there somewhere and possibly not safe starving and getting skinnier than he already is.'' Please be ok little brother'' I thought to myself as I continued my search.

Authors note here was ch 3 hope u are satisfied or now any ideas would be great

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