ch 5

847 16 19

Danny Phantom


Test Subject 52KA

CH. 5

An, hey everyone here's Ch. 5 and its July 29th,14 right now let's see when i finish this....

Maddie's POV

It came to our conclusion that Danny isn't in Amity Park anymore and I was completely bawling my eyes out now. How could this happen, my baby, our hero...? I got to thinking why didn't Danny tell me his secret or his father, I recently found out that jazz found out his secret during his second month and I couldn't believe she didn't tell me but then again he never told me either apparently, she told him she knew eventually but she never told us... I guess all those excuses she said weren't true, but she had a good reason. I may not know Sam, Tucker and Jazz will help me with every single thing I need to know I just hope I can keep up.

Danny's POV

I think I'm in the ghost zone... but I'm not sure everything seems so bright. I miss my mother, and everyone, will I see them again? That's what I was thinking while I passed out in the lab. I eventually started coming out of it around noon the following day, everything hurt I knew it wasn't getting any better, I glanced at the table that held the pieces to my doom, which consisted of a scalpels and all that other stuff that will make my nightmares, a reality... it scared me not knowing what would happen I mean, I'm the hero... right? Cause lately I've haven't considered myself one.

Sam's POV

''That's it. All the fliers have been posted handed out and pinned to every corner of Amity Park''. said Tucker as he pinned up the last poster of Danny. '

'Maybe we should get in touch with other towns?'' I asked as I grabbed my backpack.

''Ya, I mean it's been a few weeks if he was in Amity we would of found him''. Tucker said clearly frustrated as he punched the fence. ''ow'' I couldn't help but giggle. ''Good one Tuck'' I said, he laughed to, '

'Well I guess it's not as funny without Danny.'' I smiled a sad small smile. ''Yeah, let's head to Fenton Works.'' he said, ''Okay'' I told him as I slowly followed him to Danny's home.

Jazz's POV

I was supposed to move into my dorm this week at Harvard University, but hearing about Danny made me come straight home, I worried about him the whole way home.

Maddie's POV

I took my hood down after finding every recent picture of Danny, from patrols and school and family events. That way I had pictures of him in both forms. ''Jack!'' I yelled down into the Lab.

''Ya!'' he yelled up towards the kitchen. ''I got the photos of Danny!'' I told him as I handed him a few of them. ''Good I'm going to check other towns, maybe he's there'', I looked at him. '' In another town?'' I asked curiously. ''Probably''. Jack said as he grabbed his keys, headed outside, and got in the R.V and started it.

''I'm going with you.'' I told him as I got in the R.V. ''Then let's go'' he said as he drove off.

Danny's POV

I felt pain then nothing at all. I miss my mother so much and everyone, maybe giving up is bes... and the darkness consumed me ounce more.


Phantom has been under observation for the past two months, he hasn't cracked ounce. So today were going to try to get it out of him. '' hook him up to the machine''. I told K as I wrote down the results to the last test we did on Phantom.

Danny Phantom in Test Subject 52KAWhere stories live. Discover now