Their Secret Place

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{Emily's POV}

I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood on the stage where my mother had performed countless times in front of an audience. Harry had used his star power to get us in, and I looked around at the stage in awe. I could see my mother would love this place. It was a magical feeling to stand on the stage even if the audience seats were empty. Harry had gone off to go do something so I sat by the piano to play. I started playing the keys from memory thinking back to the time my mother had taught me how to play the piano. I slowly began to sing our favorite song as I played. 'I will Always love you'. As I sang I felt tears stain my cheeks, it was the last song my mother and I sang together. I imagined her sitting next to me singing with me and began to cry harder. I didn't stop playing though, I felt a connection singing here where she had sang and played even if I wasn't there.

As I finished I saw Harry appear in the audience clapping. I stood up feeling completely at ease. It was like I got to say a real goodbye to my mother. "That was amazing," He said grinning.

"Thanks, Harry," I said smiling back.

"I have a surprise for you."

I looked at him puzzled and cocked my head to the side. "What is it?"

Instead of telling me, Harry grabbed my hand and helped me jump down from the stage. He took my hand and dragged me to some nearby audience seats. He then got up and turned to look towards a booth where they controlled the set and shouted "Start playing John!"

I heard keys playing and looked back at the stage to see a projected screen rolling down. On the screen I saw my mother playing the piano. She looked beautiful in her Blue floor-length dress and I noticed how happy she was. She started to sing a song I couldn't recognize and I cried when I realized it was the song she'd sang at Jason's funeral. When the song was over she stood up and bowed, the audience gave her a standing ovation. I noticed her cheeks were stained with tears like mine. I knew my mother played that song in a dedication and to the family we all lost.

The screen rolled back up as the video ended and Harry embraced me in a hug. Their were no words to describe how thankful I was of him. He'd given me something I thought I'd never be able to have. I pulled out of his embrace and looked him dead in the eye. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Anything for you." He said back smiling.


After the emotionally tiring morning Harry suggested we should turn in early today and go site seeing or whatever tomorrow. I couldn't help but agree. The other surprise he hadn't mentioned was that we were staying at my mother's place, which now belonged to me.

Harry opened the door to the Victorian styled two story home and I walked in. The furniture was beautiful and the house smelled of my mother bringing back more memories of my childhood. The living room had turned into a little hospital since my mother had insisted staying at home during her battle with cancer. Their was an IV attached to a pole near the bed, it still had some liquid in it. Everything had remained untouched since her death, Harry explained to me. He told me he would go out to get some food for us and he said he would take his time. I was thankful he knew I needed some time to go through my mother's house before he could come in.

As I walked through the first floor of the house I noticed a light green theme going on through the house. All the rooms had a beautiful light green tint because of the green walls and decorations. I made my way into the kitchen. It looked pretty modern with white cabinet shelves and relatively new appliances. I glanced up and noticed a calendar by the wall. I looked closer at it and noticed it had almost all her life documented in it. There were really only three different things written on the calendar; doctors appointments and treatments, Liam's performances and to my astonishment on everyday of every month in each small box scrawled at the bottom it said 'FIND EMILY'.

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