My twin's in One Direction?

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  • Dedicated to Sophie, my best friend

Chapter 1

Emily's POV

Someone knocked at the door, Emily wasn't expecting company so she opened the door cautiously. When she opened the door a man she recognized but couldn't quite remember, stood in the doorway.

"Oh my gosh," the man said "Emily is that you?" the stranger had tears in his eyes. Still confused, Emily just nodded her head. The man leaned in for a hug, Emily stepped back.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Emily asked bewildered?

"You never fully got your memory back, did you?" the stranger asked.

Emily took in a breath and took another step back, towards the baseball bat her father had kept at the door. "Who the hell are you, and how do you know about my amnesia?"

"I'm Liam Payne" when he saw no recognition he continued, "your brother."


Emily and Liam had talked a little bit more before she allowed him to enter her home and she found out this: They were twins, had been triplets but Jackson passed away in a car accident, the same one that had caused Emily's amnesia. The parents had separated Emily and Liam for reasons unknown but his mother -her mother- had told Liam as soon as she was diagnosed with breast cancer so that he would know before she died. Samantha (their mother) had died a year ago, which was when her dad went into a deep depression and became an alcoholic. She remembered she'd been dragged to the funeral and at the time didn't understand why he wanted to go to the funeral since he loathed them, but now she knew....he just wanted to say goodbye. He had told her that she was just an old friend but it was more than that, she knew it at the time but didn't question her father. After Samantha's passing he became distant sometimes he'd come home drunk, sometimes he'd be sulking around the house, other times he went into a mode where he acted as if work was the only thing that mattered in his life, and sometimes he'd be in such a bad mood he'd hit her. She started avoiding him, never knowing when his mood swing would switch, and so she stayed out of his way. She never told the police though, because although he hurt her she still loved him unconditionally. Then one night he didn't come home, she stayed up all night trying to comfort herself into thinking that he would walk through that door any minute drunk or depressed and go back to his usual ways, but he never came. Her fears were confirmed when the police called her to tell her that her father had died in a car crash. The police didn't bother putting her in a foster home, since she was going to turn eighteen in two days and her father had left her a ton of money, or at least enough to get her through college without lifting a finger.

"Emily!" Liam said arousing her from her thoughts. Once he knew he had her attention he told her that he wanted her to come stay with him and his buddies and travel the world.


"I am not taking no for an answer, understand?"

Emily nodded and smiled slightly showing her perfectly straight teeth. Boy had she grown she wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for him, but would he take it back do something else? "yes" Emily finally said bringing his thoughts back to reality.

"Ok then, well we are leaving today, so get your things packed," Emily's face was shocked, she wasn't expecting to leave so quickly.

Reading her mind Liam quickly said "We don't have to sell the house if you don't want to I understand."

"Thank you Liam for everything, but how am i supposed to pay for the tickets and food and stuff, and what about school?"

"I pay, and we have a tutor with us." Liam answered nonchalantly.

"Who are you anyways, I mean what band?"

"One direction" Liam said

Emily shuddered, her best friend loved one direction and her favorite was Liam she'd be so jealous.

"If you want you can bring a friend" Liam said.

"Oh yay, i'll call Kate right now. But I am warning you she L-O-V-E-S 1d and she L-O-V-E-S you!"

Liam laughed "that's alright, but she better get her fangirl under control or the other boys will kick her out."

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