A Day with Adelaide

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Emily woke up to find herself in the twin bed beside Adelaide. Their arms encircling each other as Adelaide's head was cradled in Emily's chest. She wondered how Adelaide's orphan mother hadn't rushed to take her immediately, she definitely wouldn't have let strangers take care of her daughter. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard the snores of a drooling Harry near her.

Turning her body, carefully as not to wake Adelaide, Emily found herself staring at the sleeping face of Harry. Smiling, she pulled her phone from the charger and snapped a photo and video of a still-sleeping Harry for blackmail later. Then she gently shook him awake.

"Morning, Amelia"

Emily answered with silence and gave him a glare.

"Morning Em." Harry corrected


"How's Adelaide?"

"She's still sleeping, but she's such a sweetheart. I wonder why her orphan mother didn't just immediately come to pick her up?" Em replied.

"I don't know. Guess Adelaide was telling the truth about them not liking her very much."

"Since her 'mother' didn't really specify a time to return her, let's spend the day with her....just so that she can have at least one day of freedom." Emily pleaded.

"I think that's a great idea Em. You want to wake Adelaide up?"

Em swiftly turned to face the resting body of Adelaide, leaned in and shook her gently.

"Madame puis-je vais au cinéma?" Adelaide murmured.

"Wake up Adelaide." Em cooed.

Adelaide's chocolate brown eyes opened slowly. As she stared at Emily's face, her smile turned up in recognition of who she was.

"Miss Emily, thank you for being kind and letting me stay. Excuse moi, if I bother on you and your husband's vacation."

Emily smiled and with her eyes told Adelaide that it was her pleasure.

"Ok girls, let's hop in the shower, we have a long day ahead of us." Harry said as he clapped his hands together and rose from his bed.


Adelaide, Harry, and Em all wore matching goofy glasses that Adelaide had seen in the window shop of one of the European boutiques. Harry had a pair of Mickey Mouse glasses, Em had matching Minnie Mouse glasses, and Adelaide had big brown Goofy glasses. The three of them strolled down the street like one big family.

They visited a cheese shop, a clothing store, a museum, one of the many beautiful gardens of Paris, and an amusement park. Harry, Emily, and Adelaide had just gotten off a cute little boat ride.

"Where do you want to go next darling?" Harry asked Adelaide. Emily looked up at him and tugged on his shoulder.

"One second Adelaide." Emily said turning her back on the huge Goofy glasses.

"Harry, I know we're all having fun, but I think we should get her back before were arrested or something, it's getting kind of late."

"I know." Harry said, a small frown appearing on his face.

"Let's go." Em said grabbing both Adelaide's and Harry's hands and marching toward the park exit and Adelaide's home.


Upon entering Adelaide's orphan home, Harry, Em, and Adelaide noticed it was a ruckus. The entrance hall was filled with screaming children and the balcony near the office that Mme overlooked was drowning in dirty clothes and streamer-like toilet paper. Mme was shouting for the children to calm down unsuccessfully.

Suddenly, Harry and Emily's ears were filled with the sweetest sound. They turned toward it to see Adelaide singing.

".....you may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one.....

Harry began to sing with Adelaide.

"Imagine no possessions, it's easy if you try
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man.....

Emily smirked and looked around as the two entranced the kids, and they slowly changed from wild to mesmerized. She too opened her mouth and began to sing with the family she'd created in Paris.

"Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

They ended being met with silence. Everyone was awed into silence. Then like with Lightning, it started thundering claps and howls from the kids. They all shouted their hoorays and hooplas. They were cut off by Mme's ringing voice. Her French scolding harsh....even in English. She began sweeping up kids and depositing them back at their chore stations.

After everything was relatively back in order she approached Harry, Emily, and Adelaide.
She pulled her blue smartphone out of her pantsuit pocket, typed and then carefully deposited it into Emily's hands. It was a translator it read:

{conversation translated}

"Thank you for staying with Adelaide. I hope she has caused you no trouble."

"No problem, it was a pleasure. She's a special girl."

"Can I ask you something?" Mme asked looking up from the phone as she slowly passed it back to Emily, Harry reading over her shoulder.

"Of course."

"Can you keep an open mind?"


"Would you mind fostering Adelaide for a while?"

Emily looked at the screen, then down to Adelaide who was drowning in her Goofy glasses, and then up to Harry who's Mickey glasses barely covered his eyes. He smiled and looked at Mme. "Absolutely not."


After some paperwork and signatures, Harry and Emily were newfound parents. They had of course asked Adelaide if she would mind and after her apparent approval of being fostered they were out of the orphanage to go out for some ice cream.

About a block away from the orphanage Adelaide remembered that she's forgotten her ring back in her otherwise bare room. They quickly u-turned to be faced with a crowd of screaming males and females. They seemed to be screaming Harry's name.

"Are they...?" Em started.

"They know I was there...how?" Harry said fumbling with his phone as he took it out. He finally found what he was looking for and tilted the screen towards Emily. On it was the caption 'Harry styles, caught singing to the community orphanage in Paris!' Next to the caption was a video link, Harry clicked to find him, Em, and Adelaide singing Imagine.

Adelaide turned back towards Harry and Emily and said "Come back?"

Emily nodded and quickly took Adelaide's hand and Harry's, turned back and continued walking towards the Ice Cream shop. Upon entering, they tried to attract as little audience as possible because the news of Harry being spotted in Paris only a few minutes ago was buzzing all around the city.

"Adelaide. You order first sweetheart." Harry said nudging Adelaide towards the counter.

"Harry. Please, can you pick me up? I can't see." Adelaide said looking up at Harry, her glasses sliding off her tiny nose.

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