Chap 2

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Enrique raised his hands. I pressed the gas pedal lightly causing my rear tires to spin and smoke. Everyone else revved their engines, flames shooting out of the tailpipes of the NOS injected cars. I looked at Chris in the car next to me and he looked at me. I nodded and he nodded back. Enrique dropped his arms and we took off. 

The running order went like this. Martinez, Me, Chris, the young woman who drove a lime green Jetta, and a kid driving a Honda 2000. Almost immediately I could see that the Martinez guy was a good driver. I couldn’t get around him at the start. He matched me move for move. We tore around the first corner. Something tapped my rear number. I glanced in the rearview but couldn’t tell if it was Chris or the girl in the Jetta who were battling it out for third. We sped through a second corner. Suddenly blue and red lights flashed behind us. An unmarked cop car somehow got between me and and Chris. I tapped my brakes forcing him to slam his. The Honda 2000 rear ended him and they spun out of control and we where gone. I shifted gears trying to pull up beside Martinez. He wasn’t going to make it easy for me though. He must have had that pedal clear to the floor since we where pushing nearly one hundred miles an hour. I didn’t even have time to check my mirrors  to see were everyone else was. 

We kept up like that for the majority of the race. Turn for turn I matched Martinez and move by move he managed to block me. I knew I had to make a move soon as we neared the final turn. That’s when he made a critical mistake. Martinez took the turn a little too wide. I slammed the gear shifter, ripped my e-brake and slid right past him as we rounded the corner. He wasn’t done though. He punched his NOS desperately trying to gain his lead back. I shifted again and slammed the accelerator clear to the floor, the V8 roaring to the point my ears hurt. Martinez crept up on me inch by inch. I could see the finish line coming up fast. I muttered a short prayer asking to get just a little more speed, my speedometer slammed against the dash but I must have been well over one-twenty. The finish was so close I could see Hector and the cash in his hand. I swept across the line barely inches in front of Martinez! Ripping the e-brake I did a turning stop in front of the cheering crowd and climbed out the window. Everyone mobbed me, slapping my back, and shaking my hand. I fought my way towards Hector. I handed me the cash and shook my hand. I walked back to my car. Martinez fought his way towards me. 

“That’s bull!” he yelled, “There is no way you could have beat me!”

“I was behind you the whole time. Let’s have those keys.”

He took a swing at me right then. I dodged him, turned to my car and pulled out the baseball bat I kept between the seats. Hector fought his way through the crowd. 

“Is there a problem here?”

“Yeah this kid had to have cheated somehow! There’s no way I’m handing over the keys,”  

“Your the one that lost, Martinez. Hand them over now or I’ll make sure you never drive again.” replied Hector.

Martinez scowled at me then placed the keys in Hector’s hands who then handed them to me. I raised my hands in the air and the crowd cheered. 

“Whoa man you must be made of more than what you appear to,” said a voice on my left. I turned and saw Chris standing with a young woman who was probably close to my age. 

“Yeah, maybe I am.”

“Tell you what, I know a guy. Maybe he’ll be willing to help you out.”

“Sure, couldn’t hurt I suppose,” I responded. 

“Come on, I think there’s a party at his place tonight.”

“What about my cars?” I asked.

“I’ll have Sara here take my GTO and follow us, I’ll have to drive one of yours.” he responded.

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