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"Fighting, can't tell?" She yelled back as she threw another punch. She was getting tired from using her power so much, though. Honestly, she just didn't want Five getting hurt just for her. She used her telekinesis to give her a boost as she jumped onto the chandelier. She swung off the wall and kneed him in the jaw. He only turned his head for a few seconds, before cracking his jaw back into place and glaring up at her.

Her face became very anxious as she knew he was about to kick the shit out of her. "Let's just call a truce? Maybe?"

When he didn't respond she tried to kick him but he pulled her down from the light and threw her into a wall. Number Eight rolled over and clutched her head in pain. All the air was pushed out of her lungs. She was trying her best to get it back, but Otto kicked her head. Yeah, now she was out cold. Her head injury before seemed to come back to haunt her. She was already tired from fighting earlier, this was not making it any better. Maybe she should've stayed back.


Number Five was pushing on the forcefield, but his hand went through it and it flickered away. That's when he knew she was really out. He didn't know what he could do though, his power was malfunctioning so he couldn't jump to dodge all the attacks. He would have to do it the old fashioned way. He appreciated (Y/n) trying to save him the fight when she knew he was tired, but she was in no way ready to fight in her condition.

Diego joined the scene, only to see one Swede lunging at Five and an unconscious (Y/n) laying on the floor.

"(Y/n).." he mumbled as he made his way towards her. He didn't even get a step in before another Swede named Oscar choked him and dragged him away.

Diego was struggling to get air into his system. He was fighting the best he could, but he lost a bit of confidence when the final Swede named Axel readjusted his brass knuckles as he came closer.

Number Two groaned in pain after each hit Axel threw with the brass knuckles. He thrashed against Oscar who was holding him still for the other Swede to hit him. His face and torso were getting hit repeatedly, but he mustered up his strength and shoved Axel away from him. He took this small opportunity to throw a knife, but because of his lack of focus, it didn't curve at all.

Lila came up the stairs next, landing right in the middle of the two fights. She turned to her left and saw Diego getting beat up by two Swedes. She wanted nothing more at that moment to go and help him. But, she turned to her right to see Five fighting a Swede and (Y/n) on the floor looking to have just barely regaining her consciousness.

Now it became hard. The mission called for her to save Five and Eight, but then what about Diego?

"Lila!" Diego called, snapping her out of her thoughts. His voice was very stiff due to the Swede choking him. "Help me!"

Lila heard Five groan in pain as he took a hit. She wanted to help Diego.. but she had to listen to her mother. She turned away from him, picked the knife out of the wall, and turned right. She flicked off her heels and shoved the knife into her dress as she pounced onto the chandelier.

Otto was taken off guard when he was suddenly in between Lila's legs. Then, she flipped him to the ground and let go of the chandelier. After she landed on her feet, she looked at Five. "You're welcome."

(Y/n) kept blinking to try and take in her surroundings. Where was she again?

She quickly remembered when Five pushed Otto out the window. She groaned in pain and pushed herself up from the ground. She had to stop the Majestic Twelve from leaving.

Five heard her, and immediately helped her stand up. "What in the world were you thinking? You blocked me from helping you."

She tried to walk but she was so dizzy she was still trying to blink it away. "There's no time. The Majestic people-thingy are about to leave."

Five looked out the window and saw that they were indeed about to leave. (Y/n) let go of him and tried to get down there herself as she wobbled a little. He grabbed her and pulled her away from leaving, hoping to stabilize her. "I'll go."

He then teleported away and (Y/n) leaned on the wall to finally regained her centre of balance. But then Lila also ran downstairs. She found that odd, but found it even worse when she realized she left Diego behind to fight by himself. She grabbed a shard of glass off the ground and whipped it straight at the head of a Swede. She aimed it using what was left of her telekinetic energy. Axel stopped hitting Diego to dodge the glass. He saw that the girl had threw it and glared at her.

Oscar was shocked at how good of aim she had. Number Two took this chance to ram hard into the wall, making the Swede stop strangling him.

Axel was about to go after the girl but Diego shoved him back, "that needs work! But get out of here!"

She nodded and gave one last sarcastic smile to the Swedes before rushing down the stairs.


(Y/n) finally made it to Five and did her best to catch her breath. She rested her hands on her knees as she watched the same car Five was watching, drive away.

"Shit." She panted, "that was him, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was." Five sighed. He just yelled out that in Greek for nothing.

She rubbed blood from under her nose and readjusted her shirt. Those Swedish idiots. She stood up fully and sighed. Her head was throbbing again.

Diego finally jogged your then and stopped beside (Y/n). "Was that him?"

"It was." Number Eight answered sadly.

"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling dad is avoiding us." Diego blurted.

"You don't say." (Y/n) shot back sarcastically. Honestly, she was just super frustrated with this whole situation. Even before they even knew him he was causing them problems.

Lila exhaled some air, "I hate to be the boring one, guys, but.. uh.. it's time we get the hell outta here."

"When you say 'we' who exactly are you referring to?" Number Eight asked harshly.

Diego put his arm around her shoulder in attempt to subtly stop her from attacking Lila.

"Not a lot of ambiguity in the sentence." Lila scoffed.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but wherever it is, I advise you return posthaste." Five snarled.

Number Two noticed how angry (Y/n) was getting, so he took his arm off of her and approached Five instead. "She's right, Five. We gotta go."

"I just saved your life you kinder-shit." Lila spat, "if I didn't step in, all that would've been left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks. Along with a sobbing girl. If that's even what you are, cause your voice sure as hell doesn't sound like it."

(Y/n) was about to go at her put Diego grabbed her arm. She stopped as she knew it was no use to fight against Diego, also because her head was still in pain.

Number Two actually moved to stand beside Five and (Y/n). "He's got a point." Number Two agreed, not looking at her.

"So I know how to protect myself, and that makes me the bad guy?" Lila defended.

"No, what makes you the bad guy is the fact you just so happened to show up with Diego at the same nuthouse, tag along with him, know my name without me telling you, and now you magically being Bruce Lee." (Y/n) seethed, "it just doesn't add up, Lila. I haven't trusted you since the first time I saw you, and apparently I was right to do so."

(Y/n)'s death stare and aggressive demeanour made Lila nervous. She seemed to tense up. She had to stop herself from taking a step back.

"If I even as much catch you glancing in my direction again, I'll kill you myself." She was about to walk away but quickly turned back. "Oh, and fun fact, high-fives aren't a thing until the 1970's."

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