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"Aww." The Handler exclaimed as she saw Lila crouching with Diego.

"It's true what Five said, isn't it?" Lila asked harshly.

"Darling, I need to know that we can get past this." The Handler spoke, "be a happy family again."

Lila was not getting sucked in to this again, so she stood up and tall. "They're my real family."

The Handler's manipulative smile faltered in to a frown as she was being played the same way she played everyone else. "Do you even love me?" She asked as she moved closer to her 'daughter'.

It was then. That Lila realized, she didn't. She didn't love her. And she certainly did not love the fact that the eyes of the woman her raised her only looked for her abilities.

So, she attempted to kill her with the knife.

It was too slow.

As the Handler pointed the gun up and shot her first. Killing her and watching her body hit the floor lifelessly. "Qué será, será."

Miraculously, Five choked up the ability to inhale oxygen. His concerns immediately returned to the girl laying beside him. His head turned with what little energy he had left to go over those perplexing featured he loved so much. Particularly her eyes. The ones that once brought him happinesss. The ones that taught him what love really was. The ones that cared so much. And the ones that he now has to stare at as they looked blankly off on to who knows where.

His eyes stinging at the sight, he was forced to only connect his pinky with hers. Like old times, as she could no longer comfort him like she did. He no longer had the luxury of that. The blood covering his hands mortified him as he realized it wasn't his, but hers. The warm blood on cold hands.

"Oh, good." The Handler exclaimed as she saw him laying on the floor. "You're still alive. Lucky you. You got to see how this all played out."

Now, the barrel of the gun was between his eyes. Except, he didn't care as much as he thought he would when he saw death. There's was no point in living now, as everyone he ever lived for is dead here with him. So, remembering all their greatest memories together, he closed his eyes. Waiting to join them once more.

And.. he waited.

And waited.



A loud gunshot rang through his ears, but he the fact that he could hear that probably meant he was still alive. Bummer.

His eyes shot open to see a hole in the Handler's side instead of his forehead. She turned to see the last Swede brother, Axel, just in time for him to shoot her again. This time, she fell to the side, blood dripping from her mouth. Ending in the same way she forced upon The Umbrella Academy.

Now it was the blonde man who was glaring down at Five, readying himself to kill him off too.

Now Number Five felt hopeless, lost... powerless.

Except, he wasn't.

This doesn't have to be the end. We use my ability to time travel.

Every little second that went by, more memories coursed through him as he awaited death.

You're the genius who said we should jump, right? You're the one who got us stuck here.

Little things he did wrong to motivate him to do better...

Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities.

Things that didn't make sense till now.

Start small.

Things that came together and were saving their lives after he brushed them off as stupid comments.

Seconds, not decades.

Blue sparks flying off his hands gave him hope. Everything started reversing. Time was rewinding. It was happening.

He watched his siblings get un-shot. He watched (Y/n) rise from the dead. He watched the Handler retake her position from before she came in.

"I know that we can be your family." He heard Diego say as he stopped his powers and stood at the door, waiting for his time to shine.

"If you just let us."

Before she even had the chance, Five ripped the gun straight out of the Handler's hands. She gasped in shock, making a sound that basically described all of their faces.

"It's true, isn't it?" Lila spoke up, "what Five said."

The Handler knew damn well the answer was yes, but she let out a breath and avoided Lila's sharp glare that prodded her to speak.

"Answer me!" Lila demanded, "is it true?"

"Well-" a single word didn't get out of the woman's mouth before she was shot as planned and dropped dead in front of them.

(Y/n) felt a wave of relief wash over her. Her worries were quite literally dead at her feet. Although it was good for her, she felt sorry for Lila. She never heard the truth. She limped forward and cautiously put an arm around Lila's shoulders.

The woman looked to her, and their eyes met. The hatred gone out of them. She could tell Lila was trying to decide, but she still didn't look convinced because she couldn't hear it from the Handler herself. "Lila." (Y/n) whispered, "stay. It'll be worth it. I'll make sure it is."

She looked down and let another tear fall from her eye. From that, (Y/n) knew she wasn't convinced. So, she removed her arm and resumed her hunched over position as she watched Five drop his gun to show the Swede he wasn't there to hand him.

Lila then started walking out. But Luther noticed she had something they needed. "The case!" He shouted as he was about to follow her until Diego stopped him. "No!"

Axel looked to all of them and realized Five was right. It was over. "Tillräckligt." Five repeated in Swedish. Meaning "enough". Because it was. It was over. When The Boy kicked his gun away, Axel knew it was indeed the end.

"I almost had her!" Luther confronted Diego for letting Lila run off un-scathed. "Why the hell did you stop me?"

"Because.." Diego started as he looked up to his brother, "..I love her."

(Y/n) thought that was quite sweet. She knew how Diego felt. Which reminded her she had something to tell Five.

She looked around for him but found he had disappeared. Only for her to be met with a flash of blue and a strong hug. Five was so relieved she was okay he snuggled right up in to the crook of her neck. If (Y/n)'s rib wasn't broken before, it definitely was now.

She felt a small amount of liquid hit her neck and she pulled away to see Five's eyes stinging with tears. "Five, what the.."

"I love you too."

With that, she was sucked in to another bone-crushing hug. Five couldn't help himself. Even if she didn't remember, he did. She would never know how crushed he was. How he felt his heart completely shatter as he watched the lights leave her eyes. He loved her quite truly. Because that feeling only came around when it was her in harm. When she was crying, or when she was hurt. It was her. It was always her. Only her. Only (Y/n).

His (Y/n).

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