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"When did you get involved in that shithole?" (Y/n) asked, disturbed by the fact he had even set foot in there. Both Five and Eight straightened their posture in shock.

"Since I got back from there." Diego said shortly.

That was not a big enough answer for the two, as they were still appalled. "What?"

"Yeah, they headhunted me." Diego elaborated, "offered me a job. Full time with benefits, which I had to turn down." He said as if he was disappointed in so.

"They headhunted you.." (Y/n) cocked a brow in question if he was lying.

"..the village idiot." Five added.

"What? I'm not allowed to be headhunted? Only the almighty Five and Eight need to be in demand?" Number Two shot back.

"I was not head hunted for some job." (Y/n) snapped, "I was never in demand."

"You never told him what they did?" Luther questioned shockingly.

Five was still invested in this argument he couldn't stop glaring at his brother, "Diego, you're not commission material, alright?" He said, "got an obstinate nature to you."

(Y/n) thought for a moment. The Handler would never let Diego work over her dead body, but Lila..

"Or maybe.." (Y/n) thought out loud, "there's been a switch in command within the correction division."

"That's besides the point." Diego dismissed while turning back to Five. "Who do you think it was that figured out Vanya was the one that causes doomsday and stopped? Me." He snapped, "that's who."

"Hey!" Klaus shouted as he heard his brother take credit for something he helped in too.

"I figured it all out on the Infinite Switchboard." Diego said as he ignored his brother.

Five cocked a brow in surprise. Not even he was allowed in there. "You were in the Infinite Switchboard?"

"Hell, yeah. I made that machine my bitch!" Diego said as his voice started to raise. "Y'all need to to recognize I got shit going on that y'all don't even know about."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Allison said sarcastically, "you've got things going on?"

"This isn't helpful," Luther chimed, "it really isn't."

"Look, I met the Résistance under their secret lair." Diego continued gloating as if they thought he was a hero. "Alright? I went through orientation and I passed and I stopped doomsday."

(Y/n) chuckled in ridicule and they all looked to her, "I'm sorry, I'm just still in shock that Diego even managed to get a job there. I mean, he's not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope they don't die."

Five stifled a laugh but Diego's stern glare was still across his face as he looked at her. She shrugged, "well, I'm not gonna congratulate you, so, I'll be on my way."

With that, everyone sort of disbursed away from the two brothers arguing with Klaus still laughing in the background. (Y/n) followed Vanya upstairs and pulled her aside, "Vanya, I'm sorry about the car situation. When my powers act up I get angry-"

(Y/n) didn't even get to finish her sentence before she was engulfed in a hug. Vanya smiled, "it's okay. I'm just glad someone else has the same problem and understands."

Number Eight chuckled as the two pulled away, "yeah, I guess everyone saw that at the dinner table with dad."

Vanya laughed a little as she started to walk to where she was going originally. Sissy and Harlan. Harlan and Sissy. That's all she could think of.

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