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Landing swiftly on her feet, (Y/n) descended through the hole she made, shadows swirling just like before, which was quite incredible.

Lila clutched the pan in her hand, but couldn't help but wonder why she didn't have (Y/n)'s powers. Sure, she had telekinesis from Vanya's power, but not invisibility or demonic abilities.

"Why can't I copy yours?" The scared woman panted.

(Y/n) shrugged, "I like being original."

With that, Lila attempted to swing the pan at (Y/n) only for her to smack it away and flip it in her hand before swinging it right back at Lila. The woman ducked and again tried to punch (Y/n), but a weird feeling coursed through the girl as Lila's fist did not hurt one bit.

Number Eight looked down to her stomach, and was met with the sight of Lila's hand going through her, as if she were a ghost. "Was not aware I could do that."

Lila seemed to know that she did not stand a chance with just fighting like some lunatic, and so, she used up the last of her energy to conjure up Vanya's powers. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she stood in front of Five to cover him, "let's settle this outside."


During all of this, everyone else but Five we're having a conversation. It was in question if Lila was their sibling or not. The only way to find out is by asking her when her birthday is, of course, they would never do that.

They were interrupted by a defensive Lila and an angry (Y/n) going at outside.

"Holy shit."

They all were speechless as they saw (Y/n) fight. They saw her powers before, but she didn't have them under control.

They were all dazzled as they saw them fight, but knowing they couldn't do anything, they were forced to only watch.


Both women were pretty skilled, able to do all sorts of things with their powers. (Y/n) was caught off guard when Lila pushed her straight through in to the ground and back up. The roles were reversed when (Y/n) swarmed Lila in a shadow tornado.

Lila was currently being thrown to the ground by said shadows, and they disappeared once she saw Lila was unable to recover from that.

(Y/n) returned to her normal form and wrapped a strong, muddy hand around Lila's throat. The woman gasped for air as the girl squeezed harder and harder.

Before she knew it, (Y/n) had used her telekinesis to bring back the iron skillet to her hand.

Lila's eyes were scared as (Y/n) lifted the pan above her head, "how can you do all of that?"

"You can thank your mother for it." (Y/n) smirked as she panted and wiped her bloody face on her shoulder.

Lila was confused, but quickly brushed it off when she saw Five start to run out of the house, unable to just stand and watch anymore. He came to help Number Eight, but instead would be helping Lila.

As soon as she saw him, Lila used her powers to choke Five and pin him down just as (Y/n) was doing to Lila right now.

Unable to bare the sight and sound of Five gasping for air, (Y/n) was forced to loosen her grip on Lila's neck while she looked at him to make sure he was okay. "Five-"

Lila took this opportunity to shoot (Y/n) with the powers in her chest, sending her flying back and hard in to the ground. (Y/n) yelped at the burning sensation as she squirmed on the ground once more.

Lila laid there, gasping for breath and getting her senses back. Because she was tired from that, Five was released. He jumped up and sprinted to (Y/n). He knelt down and watched her, unable to tell what to do.

"(Y/n), what do I- how can I-"

She suddenly stopped and started gasping for air as she clutched her head in pain. Five immediately grabbed her in to his embrace and held her tight.

She breathed heavy as everything in her body was screaming at her that she was in pain. The burning left a tingly feeling that sent shivers up her spine, and when Five brushed back her hair, he was left with blood on his fingers.

He pulled back to look at her face, his thumbs tracing for damage. Blood was leaking from her nose, dirt and bruises upon her cheeks, and some scratches along her neck.

She still managed to smile at him, even though she was aching everywhere and was pretty sure atleast one rib was broken from being smashed in to the ground and the barn. With her own gentle and shaky hand, she wiped off a bit of blood that dripped from a cut on Five's forehead, "Don't ask if I'm okay, because you won't like the answer."

Five gave one of his stressed-smiles and kissed her forehead, "I'm just glad you're not dead." He whispered.

When he pulled back, he noticed a thick strand of her hair was the same pale colour Vanya's powers were.

"What?" She asked as she saw his confused face.

"You look like Anna from that one movie-"

(Y/n) didn't have time to question that comment, as she saw Lila running at them with the frying pan she had earlier. Five sensed this too, as he blinked all three of them in to the barn. Now they were all standing in a way that suggested they were ready to fight, even though the weren't. Well, if you could even call what (Y/n) was doing standing. At least she was on her two feet.

"You!" Lila bellowed at (Y/n), "are the scariest person I have ever met, and have been a massive pain in my ass! And quite frankly, I'm convinced you were sent by the devil himself."

(Y/n) shrugged, "I mean-"

"You!" Lila shouted at Five, "deserve to suffer a slow and painful death for what you did!"

"Lady, I got no idea what you're talking about." Five scoffed.

"Ronnie and Anita Gill." Lila snapped, as if he would remember.

"Mean nothing to me." Five shrugged as he did not know how this was relevant.

"1993, East London." She persisted, "you hog-tied them and shot them in the head."

"The flower merchants." Five recalled, "they were your parents?"

He was unaware they had a child up until this moment, which made him wonder why the Handler wanted him to kill them in the first place.

"And they never did anything wrong." Lila stated, "they didn't deserve to die like that."

Number Eight's stomach twisted in guilt. This was the most she heard about Lila, and now she felt a deep sorrow for her that she probably has no right to. Considering she just fought her with the intention to kill her.

"You're right, alright?" Five agreed, "I killed them. But I killed a lot of people over the years. It was all just a job. Alright? That was never personal."

"'Never personal' my ass." Lila sneered, "yeah, I've killed. It's always, always, personal."

Five shook his head, "that's why you're not cut out to be an assassin."

Lila pulled out a small knife from her boot and pointed it at them, "bet your life on that?"

(Y/n) held out her hand as if she was going to stop Lila in her terrible condition, "Lila, enough. Okay? Killing us is not gonna bring your parents back."

"I don't give a shit." Lila snarled as she forced the two to slowly move back as she neared them, "it's gonna feel pretty nice when I sink this knife in your throats."

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