𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫| 𝐚 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭!

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The race was scheduled for two pm but Kira wanted to spend some time with her parents before the race, as any good daughter would.

It was already eleven thirty in the morning.

"Momma? I'm here!" Kira exclaimed as she entered the house that her parents had managed to rent for their entire stay in Austin during the race.

Looking around, Kira noticed how quaint everything looked even though the living room and kitchen spaces were massive. The decorations had a southern country feel which made her feel cozy.

Here in Texas, she didn't feel burdened the same way she felt when in California, in Texas she could be whomever. But in California she would always be known as Jake Gyllenhaal's kid. At least at UCLA no one in her classes really knew who she was, so that was a plus! But almost everywhere else she went in California, she would always be recognized as famous. And she hated it.

Lando and Giselle had dropped Kira off and headed to the hotel where their other  friends were staying, including Charles Leclerc, his girlfriend, Luna (who happened to be cousins with Lando), Daniel Ricciardo and his girlfriend and close friend of Kira's Mar Williams, Max Verstappen and his girlfriend, Isabella Webber, Pierre Gasly and his girlfriend of 6 months, Louisa Smulders, Kendra Johannson and Chris Evans and finally, Melissa Ruffalo, their journalist friend and yes you guessed it, daughter of the famous
Bruce Banner-slash-Hulk within the MCU.
They were all gonna meet at the race later on anyways to cheer everybody on! Including Mr. Iceman himself, Kimi Rannoken as stated by the likes of her father.

"In here, Kiki!" Her mother's voice rang out from the upstairs bathroom. Kiki smiled as she ran upstairs to greet her mother.

"Hi Momma! Just wanted to give my favourite driver a little good luck charm before you go out and kill it today!"
Kiki responded cheerfully.

"How's my little nemo?"
Diane replied, using the nickname she and Jake had used for Kira ever since she was a little girl who was obsessed with the Disney movie Finding Nemo. The older Santos soon finished applying some wine coloured matte lipsticks to her lips.

"I'm good, momma, everything's great!"
Kiki was always impressed at how quickly her mother applied her makeup. Kiki usually took twenty to thirty minutes to finish her basic day face.

Once her mother was done, Kiki pulled out a small black box and once she opened it, the box revealed a white gold plated necklace that had a small pink octopus charm in the center of it.

"Put it on me, will you, sweetheart?" Diane asked her daughter, as she put her hair up into a bun, so that Kiki could place the necklace around her mother's neck, gently.

As Kira had finished up putting her mother's necklace on, Jake walked into the bathroom and smiled immediately seeing that both of his girls were now home, making the family complete.

"How're my girls doing?" Jake asked as he walked into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub, watching the mother-daughter duo hard at "work".

"Hi daddy!" Kira said, as she hugged her mother around the shoulders as her mother sat in front of the bathroom sink, looking into the mirror, admiring the necklace, Diane's long brown hair still tied up in a high ponytail.

"Hi sweetie, how are you? How was your little getaway?"Jake asked, as he embraced his daughter, kissing her on the temple. Both Jake and Diane hadn't seen her in a week since Kira had left for "summer vacation" away from her parents since she still lived at home.

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