𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 | 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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"I'm not gonna say I told you so, but I told you, darlin'..." Jake told Kira as he stood at the stove making pancakes, while Kira set the table and made put on a fresh pot of coffee, a weekend tradition for the Santos-Gyllenhaal clan, if Dianne were alive she would turning up the music and singing along as Jake helped her cook the rest of the pancakes, eggs and bacon.

"I'm never dating boys again..." Kira mumbled as the coffee pot when off a few minutes later. Jake chuckled in response as he carried a huge stack of pancakes over to the table.

"Does that mean I get to have a daughter-in-law?" Jake grinned as he watched his daughter carefully place the coffee pot onto the kitchen table as well.

Kira went over to give him a high five but was interrupted by her phone going off.
"Who's that, baby?" Jake asked, hearing the familiar ping of the cellphone.

"Dunno, daddy, let me check!"

Kira replied as she went into the living room to pick up her phone and once she unlocked it, she noticed that instagram had notified her, that Carlos had sent her a friend request. Kira just shook her head and pressed decline on the app, shoving her phone back into the back pocket of her jeans.

"You're frowning, kiddo... what's up?" Jake mumbled as he put a two pancakes onto his daughter's plate.

"It's nothing, daddy promise! Instagram is just being dumb that's all..."

"See? That's why i was reluctant to get instagram in the first place..." Jake acknowledged.

Kira shook her head towards her father as she began to cut up one of her pancakes, gently placing the piece into her mouth.

"Everything seems to have gone to shit lately..."

Jake nodded towards his daughter, grabbing a hold of his coffee mug, which was a favourite of his. The mug was white and it had a picture of Jake holding Kira when she was only six. In bold letters it said, Daddy's biggest fan. Diane and Kira had given it to Jake for Father's day that year and he had forgotten the last time he had actually used it.

"Well maybe right now, but I wonder what the little girl in this photo would say..." Jake teased, pushing his mug of coffee towards Kira, who sat opposite him. She smiled as she ran a hand alongside the mug's handle, trying to remember what that day on set felt like, but it was hard.

"I miss those days, before I figured out what publicity was, before any real fame had happened to me..."

Jake nodded again, taking back his mug.
"I miss those days too... before any boys knew who you were... and proceeded to take you away from me! He pouted.

Kira just had to laugh. "Yeah well at least they couldn't take me away for long, daddy! You're still my number one, promise!"

Jake rolled his eyes, chuckling.
"I better be, Kira-Marie!"

Before he even realized it, his daughter had grown up so much and a part of him hated it, how he wished time would just rewind back to when it was just him, Kira and Diane, things were simpler then. So much simpler.

Once the breakfast dishes were all put away and the table was clean, Kira heard her phone go off. And Jake was just about to head out the door for work, he had a late call time today for an upcoming movie, and today was the table read.

Kira grinned as she placed her phone to her ear to answer it, as Jake placed a kiss to her forehead as he put on his jacket and headed out the door, Kira waving, goodbye.

"Hi Kiki we're planning on going out tonight, wanna come?"


𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐍𝐈𝐍' | 𝐂. 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐙Where stories live. Discover now