Chapter 7

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Hobi's P.O.V
Y/N didn't text me to say she got home safe. She usually does. It's slightly concerning and I'm starting to worry. I explain my concern to the other members and they try to reassure me that she is fine. "Hobi, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation as to why she hasn't messaged you. Her phone may have died." Namjoon explains to me and I nod. I just can't accept it though. She would have text me by now. I sigh and sit down to dinner. Jin noticed my facials expression and gave me a reassuring smile. I nod before making a start on the plate of food in front of me. It smells delicious but I just don't feel like eating just now. I help Jin clear the plates away and he puts mine to the side. "Hobi? What's wrong?" He asks me softly as I start to wash the dishes. "I'm just worried about Y/N. It's probably stupid but I'm worried about her. I've never felt like this before hyung. I'm scared for her." I tell him and he nods at me as he dries the dishes I've washed. "That's understandable Hobi. You're in love. You will always worry about her even when you're living together or even married. And she will worry about you too. I know she will because she has done before. She spent every second she could next you your bed in the hospital. She was worried sick about you. She actually made herself ill with worry. If you are concerned then we can go and check on her okay?" He says to me and I nod. "I'd like to do that hyung. I want to put my mind at ease." I tell him and he nods as we finish doing the dishes. "Go and put your shoes on and I'll be with you in a minute okay?" He tells me and I nod and head to the front door to get my shoes. "Where are you off to hyung?" I hear Tae's voice call as I grab my shoes. "I'm just off to check on Y/N that all. Jin hyung is coming with me but we won't be long." I say with a forced smile. "Hyung you don't have to pretend to be okay you know. I know you're worried about her. We can all see it." He tells me and I stop smiling. He's right they can all tell that I'm worried. "Okay well I'm sure it will be fine and I will be back to being myself again soon enough." I tell him and he gives me a brief nod before heading towards the living room. Jin appears shortly after and we head out to check on Y/N. The drive is about 30 minutes and we get there pretty quick as the roads are fairly clear. We arrive and find her house in darkness. "That's not normal hyung. There would always be a light on if she was in." I say as I get out of the car and check the front door. It's unlocked. That's unusual. She always locks the door when she gets home after being at uni, work or seeing me and the other guys. "Something is wrong hyung." I say as the door stands open. "I don't think we should go inside Hobi. Let's try calling her first." He suggests and I nod pulling my phone out and bringing her contact up. I press call and it rings out. I hear her phone ring inside the house. I look at Jin and he shakes his head. "Don't Hobi. It could be dangerous." He says to me and I nod as one of her neighbours comes out. "Are you looking for Y/N?" He asks and we nod. "Yeah, have you seen her?" I ask and he nods looking worried. He ushers us over to his front step. "She was taken around 4 hours ago from her house by a woman with brown hair and blue tips. I don't know where she took her but she had a bag over her head and looked limp." He tells us before asking us if he should call the police. "YES! SHE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I shout in panic and he nods.

Y/N's P.O.V
I can't believe who kidnapped me. After all these years Charlotte Madden has come back and she kidnaps me. Really? What the hell? I sit on the cold, hard concrete floor chained to a pipe, I believe, in the dark. I have no idea where I am but I have to pee really badly. I'm taken to a toilet while handcuffed. This is more of an inconvenience than anything else. I get back and decide to take a nap as I have nothing better to do. When I wake there's a hazy orange glow coming from the door. Is it sunset already? How long have I been sleeping? Then I see the smoke. It's on fire. WAIT. IT'S ON FIRE! And I'm in here chained up as the place is burning down. I'm going to die here aren't I? I don't want to die here. I just want to be in Hobi's arms right now. I begin to cry as the smoke begins to fill the room. It soon starts to overwhelm me and I begin to cough. The smoke entering my lungs increasing as the oxygen entering my lungs decreases. I'm slowly suffocating and it's scaring me. I hear someone shouting. It's firefighters. They're telling me to call out. I shout as best as I can while coughing. I pass out before they get to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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