Chapter 6

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Hobi's P.O.V
I wake up with Y/N next to me again but this time she's my girlfriend. She's still sleeping so I carefully slip out of the bed and head to the bathroom. She looks so cute when she sleeps. When I come back out she is wake and sitting up looking at me. "Good morning beautiful, did I wake you?" I say to her as I walk back to the bed and she shakes her head before stretching with a yawn. "Good morning handsome and nope, I slept really well though. Did you?" She asks me and I nod. "Yeah really well actually. I might just need you to stay over every night." I say with a smirk and she playfully hits me. "Too soon?" I ask with a laugh and she just shakes her head laughing. "Maybe a little. We've barely been dating for 24 hours Hobi." She tells me as she gets up and heads for the bathroom. "I was only joking Y/N, I hope you don't feel like I'm forcing you into anything." I say starting to panic and she opens the door to the bathroom again popping her head out. "Oh Hobi, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." She says to me as she wraps her arms around my waist and places her head on my chest. I know that she can hear my heart racing. "No, it's okay. It's just me being paranoid. I'm still scared Y/N. Now that the pure, raw desire has gone I'm bare. I'm just me again. The same man who is terrified of relationships. I trust to easily and fall too hard and too quickly." I tell her as I hold her in my arms. I'm not holding her for her sake and she knows it. I'm holding her for mine. Afraid that if I let her go she will just disappear or find someone else. "Hobi, can you let me go now? I have to pee." She tells me and I snap out of my thoughts. "Oh, yeah sorry." I reply letting her go. I watch her walk into the bathroom and close the door. I flop back down on my bed staring at the ceiling. The night of my poisoning is still weighing heavily on my mind. "Hobi, what's wrong?" I hear a voice call but it's not Y/N's. It's Namjoon's. I sit up and see him standing in my doorway. I sigh. "The night I was poisoned is still weighing heavily on my mind." I tell him and he nods walking towards me. and taking a seat on my bed with me. "Have you told Y/N?" He asks me and I shake my head feeling stupid for not telling her. "Hobi you need to tell her." He says to me as she comes out of the bathroom looking refreshed but still in her pj's. "Morning Joon." She says cheerily to him and he smiles back as he heads to the door. "Good morning Y/N." He replies with his dimple smile before leaving us alone in my room again. "So, what do you need to tell me?" She asks sitting next to me where Namjoon had been seconds ago. She heard him say that. "Nothing, it's fine." I say brushing it off as if it was ridiculous. "Hobi." She warns and I look at her with the leave it expression. "Please don't shut me out again Hobi." She says to me and I snap for some reason. I don't know why, she just cares about me and wants to be there for me. "I said leave it Y/N! What part of that do you not understand?!" I shout and she jumps and backs away from me. Yoongi is now at the door along with Namjoon and she runs to them. I see Yoongi take her away through my tears as Namjoon and Jin walk towards me. "What is wrong with me hyung?" I ask Jin and he looks at me and shakes his head. "Nothing is wrong with you Hobi. You're traumatised and she doesn't fully understand that yet but she will. You just need to let her in and let her understand." He says to me and I know he's right. "Is she okay?" I ask worried as Yoongi appears in the doorway and he nods. "Yes Hobi, she's fine. She was just surprised by your sudden outburst at her. She's a bit shaken up but she'll be okay. She doesn't need me though she needs you." He tells me and I nod standing up, not bothering to wipe my eyes properly as I'm just going to cry more. I can feel it. I walk downstairs to find Y/N in the kitchen eating apple with peanut butter. I've never thought of doing that. "Y/N? Can we talk? Please?" I ask her cautiously and she turns to face me slowly still eating a slice of apple with peanut butter. "Okay, do you want a slice?" She asks me and I nod taking a seat next to her. She pushes the bowl of apple towards me along with a small tub of peanut butter. "So, I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. I know that you don't fully understand what I'm going through but I want to let you understand. It's just hard for me and it will take time but I'll get there." I say to her before eating my slice of apple. It's actually really tasty. "We will get there." She corrects me before picking up an apple and cutting it for me to eat. "God I wish I had your eyes Hobi." She says to me and I smile at her. "Well our kids can have them." I say to her and she chokes on her water. "Hobi!" She says to me shocked and I just smile. "That's my name don't wear it out. Unless you're moaning it." I whisper the last part and her face flushes red. "Oh my god. I can't believe you just said that." She says to me still blushing like mad as Jimin walks into the kitchen. "Did I interrupt something?" He asks looking between us suspicious. "No, you haven't." I say to him and he nods slowly still looking at Y/N. "Y/N's face would say otherwise but I won't press as it's none of my business." He says and I nod before heading upstairs to get dressed.

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