Chapter 5

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A/N: This chapter contains mature themes. You have been warned. 

Hobi's P.O.V
Y/N just told me that she's mine and only mine if I'd have her. She's looking at me waiting patiently for a response from me. I move closer to her and whisper to her. "Oh I'll definitely have you." I whisper sensually to her before winking at her and getting up. She's blushing like mad as I open my bedroom door and we head downstairs. I look at the time as does Y/N and she says goodbye to us. I walk her to the door and close it behind us. "I wish you could take me with you." I say to her and she giggles a little. "There's not much stopping you, apart from they others wondering why you're coming home with me." She says to me and I laugh. "Very true. Anyway have a safe journey home and let me know when you get there please. You know I worry." I say to her before pecking her cheek. "I will. I'll see you tomorrow." She says with a huge smile as she gets into her car. I wave her off before heading back inside again. "What was all that about?" Jin asks me and I just shrug with a smile on my face again. "Hey, it's rude to ignore people you know." He says still pressing me and I turn to face him. "That's for me to know hyung. No offence but I don't want to share okay? So stop pressing me." I say politely and he goes to say something back but Yoongi and Namjoon walk into the room chatting "Jin if he doesn't want to talk don't push him. That's what Sophie did. She pushed him to talk when he didn't want to. She pushed him until he broke hyung so please just let him keep this to himself until he wants to tell us. Is it really important to know what was going on outside or upstairs between Y/N and himself? No it's not. We don't need to know about his private life." Yoongi states to him less politely than me but he doesn't care about the consequences in this circumstance. I head upstairs and lay on my bed smiling. I get a text from Y/N letting me know she's home safe. I smile as I reply.

*Start of conversation*

H- Hobi. Y-You

Y: Hey, I'm home safe and sound xx

H: Hey, I'm glad you got home safe. Jin was curious about what was going on between us earlier but Yoongi told him to stop being nosey 😂 xx

Y: We love that 😂. By the way what did you mean earlier when you said you'd definitely have me? Xx

H: Nothing really I was just messing with you 😂. Xx

Y: Yeah but I don't believe you. I know you Hobi. You didn't say that as a joke. Xx

H: You're right I didn't. We can talk about it tomorrow. It's late xx

Y: It is. I'll be holding you to that. Goodnight Hobi xx

H: Goodnight Y/N, sleep well. Xx

Y: You too xx

*End of conversation*

I put my phone down and get changed and ready for bed before getting into bed. I close my eyes as sleep envelopes me.

*Time skip - next day*

Y/N's P.O.V
I dreamt of him last night. His sunshine smile, his beautiful face, his his perfect toned body. I remember the way his muscles flexed as he moved, I remember his abs flexing under my touch. I remember his lips on mine. The way they fit so perfectly together, but it was just a dream. I groan and get up from my bed reluctantly and head for the bathroom to shower. After showering and getting dried and dressed, I do my hair and head down to make some breakfast. I get some granola, yogurt and fruit and put it in a bowl together. After breakfast I wash the dishes and put them away before checking my phone for any notifications. None. I sigh and flop down on the sofa, putting the tv on. About 10 minutes into the show it turn the tv off and get up. I can't sit and watch tv while he's on my mind. I pick up my phone to call him but am interrupted by a knock at the door. I sigh and get up to see who was there only to be surprised by who I saw. It was him. The one I wanted. Mr sunshine himself. Hobi. He stands at my door looking gorgeous as always in a simple outfit while I on the other hand look like a mess in a cropped t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Morning, I hope you slept well." He says cheerfully as he enters my house. I let him do his thing as I walk into the kitchen. He follows. "I did, thanks, I hope you did too." I reply unable to look at him without thinking about the dream. "Are you okay Y/N?" He asks me and I nod. He places his fingers under my chin to make me look at him. "I don't believe you, now tell me what's bothering you." He says as a statement not a question and I look at him slightly scared. "Hey, don't look so scared. It's just me you're talking to." He says to me as he sits at the breakfast bar. "I had a dream last night." I say to him and he looks at me with a smile before replying to my statement. "So did I. I had many. Anyway jokes aside is that what's bothering you?" He asks me and I nod. "You wanna talk about it?" He asks me and it feels like he's forgotten what happened yesterday and what he said to me. "Not really but I feel like I should tell you. You have to promise not to laugh or judge me." I say and he promises me he won't, he even said he won't tell anyone what I've said to him which is a relief. "Okay so I had an interesting dream last night." I say to him and he raises an eyebrow. "What kind?" He asks curiously and I compose myself before replying. "A sex dream." I reply quietly and I see him shift in his seat and his body language has changed. This seems more like the Hobi I saw last night at his house in his room. "Was it about me?" He asks seriously while looking me dead in the eye and I can't look away. I think that has given him his answer. "I'll take that as a yes then." He says half asks and I nod looking down ashamed and embarrassed. He's my best friend and I just told him I had a sex dream about him last night. How is he supposed to react to that. "I had one too." He whispers to me and I look up at him shocked. "And you were it." He says to me and I notice that he looks a little uncomfortable. I want to ask him what I was doing in it and I want to tell him what he was doing but I decide against it. "Y/N.." Is all he says to me and I look at him. He's looking at me almost pleadingly. I look back at him wondering what he wants from me. "What do you want me to do about it?" I ask and he looks at me desperately before answering my question. He looks really uncomfortable now. "Anything!" He says to me and an idea pops into my head. "I could help you." I say looking him dead in the eyes and I see him gulp but he keeps his eyes trained on me. Hobi bites his lip as he looks at me and I know that he would actually let me do it if I wanted to. I only meant it as a joke, but as he's looking at me now it makes me want to help him. "So are you gonna help me or what?" He asks me sensually while gesturing to his problem and I stand up taking his hand leading him to the bathroom. I grab a towel from the rack and throw it at him. He looks at me confused. I continue doing what I'm doing and put the shower on before walking back out again. I walk in after taking off everything except my underwear. I take off my underwear while facing Hobi. He looks at me with hunger in his eyes. "Is this all mine?" He says to me almost curiously. "I dunno, is it?" I say to him pretty much teasing him. He doesn't say anything, he just  grabs me gently and pins me to the wall kissing me. Passionately. Am I dreaming? This is just like the dream I had. "This isn't a dream Y/N, this is definitely real. I know because this isn't how my dream started. It started more like this." He says to me as he bites my neck hard enough to leave a mark but soft enough that it felt nice. I moan into his shoulder as he does this and I know this is real now because he didn't do this in my dream. His lips then connect to mine again in a hungry kiss. His hands roam my bare body as he kisses me. "I want more Hobi." I state and he pulls out of the kiss and begins to leave a trail of kisses from my jaw down my body. 

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