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Disclaimer: I do not own Demon Slayer or Haikyuu. They belong to their rightful owners. This story is inspired by 'Karasuno's Demon Slayer' by Sarskieplayz123. This doesn't follow the original plot of Haikyuu or Demon Slayer and can be considered as an Alternate Universe.

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On a snowy day, an 11-year-old Hinata Shoyo was outside putting the last piece of firewood and his ax in his basket. He heard a familiar caw and looks up to see his pet kasugai crow, Kuragari, flying towards him. Hinata smiles as Kuragari landed on his shoulder. 

Kuragari was a gift from his uncle, Ubuyashiki Kagaya, for his fifth birthday. He had never met him before, but he was told that he was the husband of his mother's sister, Amane. His mother told him that uncle Kagaya was very ill and that his wife takes care of him. Although he never met his uncle in real life, he talks to him through Kuragari.

Uncle Kagaya said that Kuragari is a special crow called 'kusagai crow' because they can speak in full sentences, though their speech is limited. 

"Good morning, Kuragari." he greeted, petting the crow. "Ready to go to town today?" 

Kuragari cawed, "Ready!"

Hinata chuckled at his crow and puts the basket of firewood on his back, he was ready for his trip to town. 


The orange-haired boy turned to see his mother at the front door of their house, carrying his little sister, Natsu. 

"Mom!" Hinata smiled cheerfully. "Natsu!"

Natsu chirped, "Nii-chan!"

"Please be careful, dear." Hayami said worriedly, "You know you don't have to push yourself, right? You can just wait until the snow stops."

Hinata scratched the nape of his neck and chuckle nervously, "I'm sorry, Mom. But you know we need the money to get Dad's medicine, he's getting a lot worse now... I'm really worried."

Hayami sighed and nodded. "I understand but you're working so hard lately to earn money, the least you could do is take care of yourself." 

Hinata felt bad for making his mother worry, ever since his father became ill, he has to take responsibility and earn money while his mother takes care of his father and little sister. 

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I promise to take care of myself." Hinata said. Hayami looked a little relieved at his answer. 

"Nii-chan, can I go with you this time?" Natsu asked. 

"No, Natsu. You're staying at home." Hayami sternly said. 

Natsu pouted, "Why not? I have never been to the town before! Please, Momma, Nii-chan! Can I go?" she begged.

Hayami shook her head, "Shoyo isn't going to the town to play, he's doing some work there."

"Well, I can help him!"

"I'm sorry Natsu but the answer is still no." 

Natsu crossed her arms and sulked, pouting even more. "No fair!" 

Hinata laughed at his sister's cute face, "Cheer up, Natsu. I'll bring you some paper so we can make origami together later, all right?"

Natsu's eyes brightened up, "Really?" Hinata nodded. 

The Storm Hashira [Haikyuu x Demon Slayer] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now