𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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Disclaimer: I do not own Demon Slayer or Haikyuu. They belong to their rightful owners. This story is inspired by 'Karasuno's Demon Slayer' by Sarskieplayz123. This doesn't follow the original plot of Haikyuu or Demon Slayer and can be considered an Alternate Universe.

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Hinata was confused

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Hinata was confused. 

One minute he was in the room that Karasuno is sharing with Nekoma and the next thing he knew that he was in another place. 

It was nighttime and everything is covered in fog. Huge and tall trees are spread around the land, looming over him. Their leaves cover up the sky making him unable to seek the comfort of the moon and stars. A chill breeze touched his skin, making him shiver slightly.

'Where am I? Am I dreaming?'

He decided to look around and try to find a way out or something that he could use to see through the fog. 

As Hinata kept walking through the trees, he felt a sense of familiarity with this forest that he can't quite put his finger on it. 

He quickly turned around and his hand instinctively went to where his blade usually is (but realized it wasn't there) when he heard some movements, only to find that no one was there.

"Who's there?" He said, his voice loud and clear but cautious. 

He knew that couldn't fight a demon with just his bare hands but demon or not, he can still fight with only just his body. 

Nobody answered. 

Only the sound of the gentle breeze sweeping over the top of the trees and to the forest floor. 

Hinata shrugged, maybe he was just imagining. 

He turned around once more and was faced with three familiar figures, he thought he wouldn't be able to see again. 

"Mom... Dad... Natsu..."

There stood the apparitions of his parents and younger sister. 

They almost look the same before they were killed except they look more ghost-like. 

Hinata wanted to run toward them and hug them tightly, afraid they might disappear but he felt like his feet is glued to the ground. 

"Nii-chan!" Natsu finally spoke, calling out to her brother. 

"Shoyo, We don't have much time." His father said.

"You have to be careful...! Protect them!" His mother shouted, "You are all in danger!"

"Wh- What do you mean?...." Hinata's voice cracked and his eyes burned with unshed tears. "What danger? Is it a demon?"

The Storm Hashira [Haikyuu x Demon Slayer] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now