Part 2

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           You didn't know what to do. You were trapped in an elevator with a man curled into a ball freaking out. You tried to calm him down and tell him to focus on his breathing, but that didn't seem to be doing much. You were starting to freak out because you were stuck in an elevator with a complete stranger, and you hated strangers. Actually, you hated people in general. Scooting to the corner, you stayed there.

Bucky tried to steady his breathing. In and out. In and out. In and why isn't this working?! He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of his bare apartment. He thought about his cat, Alpine. He wishes he brought him today. His soft fur always seemed to calm him down. Uh, what could he feel? He reached his flesh hand toward the wall and rubbed it over its smooth surface. He touched soft fabric of his shirt, a slow peace filling him. His jacket was a bit rougher, but not unpleasantly. Bucky opened his eyes and realized his breathing was back to normal. He looked around the elevator and saw you. Before he could say anything, a voice sounded over the speaker.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are trying as hard as we can to get the elevator going again. Thank you for your patience."

"Sorry about my little panic attack there." Bucky said softly. "I, uh, can't control it."

You looked at him and smiled, sort of. "It's okay."

A comfortable silence filled the elevator. You were nervous about the grown man that was on the other side of the elevator. He could quite possibly be a killer, and what if you were his next target? You watched as he mindlessly traced the flower designs on the floor of the elevator with his gloved left hand. Why didn't you just stay home inside the safe confines of your domain?

Bucky hoped you weren't afraid of him. He clutched his jacket closer as if to shield his body from your prying eyes. The lights in the elevator illuminated the dust particles in the air, ,and Bucky curled closer into the corner. The dust reminded him of snow, and snow reminded him of his fall, and his fall...only led him to misery and torture. Oh, how elevators became his number one hated thing.


Bucky walked home silently; his shoes softly padded against the sidewalk. He was like a child on Christmas morning when the elevator began to work again. He was definitely taking the stairs next time. The clouds swirled slowly in the sky, a dark gray staining the once baby blue sky. He had finally reached his apartment, the outside paint a sad gray color.

Shoving his hand in his pocket, he searched for his keys. As he was standing out there, his neighbor, Dot, came outside. Bucky sensed her the moment before she grabbed the doorknob. He turned around to greet her, not wanting to seem rude.

"Hey Jamie!" She said with a bright smile.

He scrunched his nose. He thought he told her not to call him that last time. She was holding a glass container that was full of food. Oh no.

"Hello Dot." Bucky sighed as he clung to the keys in his lint filled pocket.

"So," She started as she swayed her dish back and forth slightly. "I made some lasagna, and I made too much, so I thought we could share it."

Bucky mumbled something under his breath as he worked the key into his door. "Um, thank you."

He stepped into his doorway and turned toward her, covering her view of his apartment. He didn't need any more judgement, especially about home décor. He gently took the dish from her hands with a forced smile.

"I'll enjoy every minute of it." He said before closing the door.

He heard a pout escape her lips, but from the other side of the door she said, "Uh, Jamie? I was thinking we could eat it together."

Bucky rubbed a hand over his face in frustration. Did no one teach her about social ques? Alpine was rubbing himself on Bucky's legs, and Bucky leaned down to pet the attention seeking feline. Cracking the door open, he eyed Dot. She was standing there with hopeful brown eyes.

"Sorry Dot, but I..." Despise you? Don't want to be around you? Liked it better when I had no neighbors? Hate lasagna? "I'm not really in the mood for company. Maybe next time."

She frowned and messed with her skirt. "Well, okay. Enjoy the lasagna. It was made with love." Then she turned on her heel and walked away.

Shutting the door, he swallowed back the disgust that had bubbled in his stomach and threatened to spill out his mouth. Alpine mewled and hopped on top of the counter. Bucky looked around his barren apartment and made sure nothing was out of place. Soft thumping was heard through his kitchen wall and he grimaced. His blue eyes traveled toward the dish on the table.

"Well, Alpine, I already ate. I hope you're hungry."


Your car pulled into your driveway, and you slightly panicked when you noticed Charles watering his flowers. A plan was starting to form in your head on how you could get inside without him seeing you. He was whistling an unknown tune, and his hair was combed to perfection. He suddenly turned toward your direction and waved at you with a smile.

You wished your car seat would swallow you and make the world forget about your existence. He went back to his flowers and you quickly unbuckled yourself and bolted toward your door. Once inside, you let out a sigh of relief. The wood floor lightly creaked as you stepped toward the kitchen. Dropping your keys on the marble counter, you grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. The only good thing about today was that you didn't get killed by the stranger in the elevator. Then again, you kind of wish he had, because you could have avoided that whole fiasco outside.

Taking a few gulps of water, you made your way toward the couch. You sank into its soft confides and let out a sigh of contentment. From your living room window, you could see Charles, and you mentally slapped yourself.

"Stop watching him!" You scolded yourself.

You turned on your TV, it hummed softly before springing to life. Skimming through channels, a knock echoed throughout your house, and everything seemed to freeze. Once realization hit, your nerves bounced around in a frenzy. Maybe they would think you were gone, you nodded before another few knocks bounded toward the living room. Nervousness spiked, and to think it was because of dreaded neighbors.

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