Part 12

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The sky was an amazing hue of blue, and a couple fluffy clouds dotted the sky. It was the perfect day to fly. You and your fiancé, David, were about to go on another flight patrol. You both hopped into your respective planes and turned on the engines.

"Sure you're up for this?" David's voice crackled through your headset. "Looks really blue up there, sure you won't get distracted and hit a tree?"

You rolled your eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. That was one time. And last I checked, I have one more badge sown onto my uniform than you, so...what do you have to say about that?"

David barked out a laugh. "Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but the Air force only gives those badges to the most horrible flyers."

You began to pull your plane into the air. "Say what you want, you're just jealous that I can out fly you any day."

"Oh. Is that a challenge I hear, sweetheart?" His voice was laced with amusement.

"Darn right. After patrol, I'll show you up in front of the newbies we're training. That is, if you think you stand a chance."

"Challenge accepted."

You were flying beside David's plane, the atmosphere soft and happy, then you looked down and saw yourself in a different plane. A plane full of people screaming about their loved ones who vanished into thin air. There was chaos everywhere, and you found yourself looking for David. He was trying to calm down a frantic woman, and when you heard the flight attendant scream for someone with flight experience, you jumped into action.

Screams, a crash, pelting rain. It was too much. When the crash happened, all you thought about was David. Where is my fiancé? Did he survive the crash? Events zoomed by and you found yourself running away from Mark. He killed David, and he was coming after you.

You woke up with a start, tears streaming down your cheeks. You pushed Bucky's arm off of you, grabbed your phone and rushed to the bathroom. Mark killed David, and he was after you. You turned on your lock screen and read the date. You curled into a ball and sobbed. Today was the five-year anniversary of David's death. Your fiancé was gone.

The Avengers brought back everyone who vanished in the Snap, but they couldn't bring back the people who died in the crashes, and robberies, and murders that happened in the aftermath. The Avengers thought they did something to help the world, but they just brought people into a scary and broken world.

It felt wrong to be with Bucky when David died in cold blood and never got avenged. Were you betraying David by being with Bucky? Was it wrong to search for someone else when the one you loved had passed on? People could be horrible, absolutely horrible. You witnessed that firsthand, but then there are people like Bucky who are trying to do good, people who gave you a little faith in humanity.

A soft knock and a slight door creak caught your attention. Bucky was standing in the bathroom doorway, his hair a bit wild, but he looked concerned. He crouched down carefully; his balance was a bit off because he still had his arm off.

"I know you're not okay, so I'm not going to ask if you are." Bucky spoke softly. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but I just want you to know I'm here for you."

You practically tackled Bucky in a hug and gripped his shirt like he was your lifeline. You sobbed into his chest, his shirt becoming damp with your tears, but he didn't care. He soothingly rubbed your back as you both sat together on the bathroom floor. After your flow of tears slowed down, Bucky moved a bit.

"Come on, let's get you some water. You wait on the bed, and I'll bring you some water and medicine for the impending headache." He cooed softly.

You nodded and ambled to the bed as he went to the kitchen. When he came back, he stared at you softly as you downed the medicine with the water. He was right about the impending headache. You both sat in silence for a while before you spoke.

"I'm sorry that I woke you. It's the middle of the night and you had to listen to me cry." Your voice was hoarse from all the crying.

"It's okay, doll. You, uh, want to talk about it?" Bucky's voice was quiet. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I..." You paused and stared at your hands. "I was engaged before the Snap. H-his name was David. We met in the Air Force, and he roped me in with his charm." You smiled a bit as you remembered David's charming smile.

Bucky stared at you with a soft expression, and you continued.

"Anyway, our plane crashed during the Snap. I thought I was lucky that he wasn't dusted away and that he survived the plane crash, but...Mark...h-he..."

Bucky pulled you into him and hugged you tightly. "I think I understand, darlin'."

He put his chin on top of your head as he held you. "Back in the 40s, before...everything, I was engaged to this beautiful dame. Her name was Livy. We were really happy, but then I got drafted and...she broke off the engagement. I wanted to marry her before I left for England, but she said she didn't want to marry so soon. She said that love was a ridiculous notion in a world at war. I thought that maybe if I came back from the war with a huge smile and a fierce determination that I could win her back, but..."

You hugged him a bit tighter. "Tomorrow we go back to our homes, and I feel like this week has gone by too fast. I've enjoyed our time together and I really like you..."


"But I feel like I'm betraying David, somehow."

Bucky shifted you guys so he could look you in the eyes. "Darlin', are you happy with me?"

"Of course."

"Then don't you think David would want you to be happy?" Bucky asked as he searched your eyes.

You nodded your head. Bucky wiped away a stary tear and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Let's go back to sleep, okay? We can talk more in the morning." Bucky whispered.

You both laid back down and Bucky held you tightly against him. He pressed a few more kisses to your head and traced a few patterns on your skin. You gave Bucky a couple kisses along his jaw, and he sighed.

"Thank you." You whispered against his skin.

"Anytime." Bucky replied as he curled his body against you. "And I'll always protect you, promise."

With that promise hanging in the air, you both drifted off to sleep, warm and safe in each other's embrace.

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