Part 8

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Bucky shuffled out of his seat and walked toward the door. Of course, Sam would have to interrupt his first date in 70 years. Well, he wasn't sure if this was a date. It felt like a date, but he never really asked you what this was. Dinner between friends? He could live with that. Sam banged on the door again and Bucky groaned.

"Don't get your feathers in a bunch, I'm coming." Bucky grumbled as he opened the door with a glare.

Sam was wearing a soft grey t shirt with a darker grey sports jacket. He pushed Bucky aside as he stepped into Bucky's apartment. Bucky grumbled something underneath his breath as he closed the door. Sam looked around with a smile until he spotted you, then he was sporting a full-on smirk.

"You sly dog!" Sam said with a small laugh. "Now I know why you haven't been answering my texts, you've got yourself a pretty lady."

Bucky's cheeks warmed for a second before he sent Sam another glare.

"Sam." Bucky warned. "I ignored your texts for a reason. And she's a friend from therapy. Dinner was going great actually, until you ruined it."

Bucky tried to conceal his bubbling anger. He really enjoyed spending time with you, you made him feel human again, which was a feeling he wasn't very familiar with and he wanted to feel it for as long as possible. Sam just had to ruin it. Alpine seemed to sense Bucky's distress, and he hopped off the couch and toward his owner. Bucky picked up the feline with a small smile.

"Well, I didn't really need to tell you anything important. Just wanted to check on you." Sam said with a shrug, which irritated Bucky. He bothered you guys for no reason. Sam wandered into the kitchen.

"Hey, I see you have quite a bot of food left. Mind if I stay for dinner?" Sam asked as he grabbed a bowl.

He did mind. A lot. But before he could answer, Sam was already putting food in his bowl. Bucky gripped alpine a bit tighter as he sighed.

"Yeah, whatever. Why don't you just make yourself at home!" Bucky exclaimed; his words laced with sarcasm.

"Thanks. I will." Sam said as he took a seat beside you.

Bucky held back a scream of frustration, walking back to his seat, he apologized you and took a bite of his food. Sam made a flirtatious comment toward you and he couldn't bite back the low growl that erupted from his throat. Sam didn't seem to notice, but you sent him a small smile, your eyes holding a softness to them. He felt himself calm a bit and ate his food without gripping his fork so tightly. The three of you sat in an awkward silence as you ate and Sam couldn't take it any longer, so he spoke up.

"I have a feeling you guys were more talkative before I got here."

Bucky looked at Sam, moving his head dramatically while momentarily widening his eyes. "Wow, your powers of deduction truly amaze me."

You finished your last bit of food quickly and looked up at Bucky. "I, uh, I should get going. Dinner was great though. I really appreciate it."

Disappointment flashed across his face for a second, but he quickly replaced it with a smile. "Okay. I'll walk you to your car." Bucky said quickly getting up from his seat.

Sam began to stand up. "I'll come with y—"

"NO! I-I mean, no." Bucky said taking a deep breath. "You just stay here and eat. I'll be back soon. Alpine," Bucky pointed his metal finger at the cat. "You're in charge until I get back."

Sam slumped back in his seat, but didn't say anything, opting to shove a spoonful of Frito pie in his mouth instead. Alpine meowed in acknowledgement and you and Bucky headed out the door. Once the door closed, Bucky turned toward you as you walked.

"I'm really sorry about Sam." Bucky said pinching the bridge of his nose. "He can be a bit much, and I-I really wanted to have a nice night with you."

You touched his left arm softly, dragging your fingertips against the smooth grooves of it. He had that soft look in his eyes again as you spoke. "I had a nice night, Bucky. Really, I did. It's been so long since someone had made dinner for me. It means a lot to me. Y-you mean a lot to me."

Bucky's eyebrows rose and his blue eyes widened. He meant a lot to you? He must be dreaming. He was about to say something back, but you beat him to it.

"Gosh, sorry. Just ignore I even said that. I don't know what's wrong with me. We barely know each other and—"

Bucky brought his right finger to your lips, causing heat to rush to your cheeks and your words to a sudden halt.

"If you would've given me a couple more seconds, I would've told you that you mean a lot to me too. You make me really happy, a-and I want that for as long as possible."

He could feel his face turn pink at his confession and you guys were now standing at the driver's side of your car. Before he knew it, a pair of warm lips brushed his chin. He closed his eyes momentarily at the feeling. It went as fast as it had come, and you opened your car.

"Goodnight, Bucky."

"G'night, doll."

With that, you closed the driver's side door and drove off. Bucky stood in the parking lot grinning like an idiot before shouting, "WHOO HOO!" and pumping him fist in the air. He added an extra, "Take that Dr. Raynor!" before walking back toward his apartment. He could've sworn he saw Mark out of the corner of his eye, but he shrugged it off. Bucky strode into his apartment with a huge smile, and Sam cocked an eyebrow.

"You look strangely happy. Spill." Sam demanded as he sipped some water.

Bucky shook his head and grabbed the dishes off the table instead and took them to the kitchen sink. He pulled on some rubber gloves before turning on the water. He started to whistle an old 40s tune as he scrubbed the dishes and Sam sat on top of the counter beside the sink.

"She kissed you, didn't she?"

"Maybe." Bucky answered putting a bowl on the drying rack.

"Oh my gosh! She totally did! Way to go man." Sam complemented as he lightly punched Bucky on the shoulder.

"It was just on the chin. And you, mister, had extended your stay long enough." Bucky said pointing a soapy fork toward Sam.

"Okay, but before you kick me out. I have something to talk to you about." Sam fished out his phone and scrolled through some photos. "There's some rumors some organization called Flare is kidnapping people who survived the snap. I don't know why, but I've got a couple leads. I was able to get pictures of some of the members who've been kidnapping people." Sam turned his phone toward Bucky. "Have you seen any of these guys lurking around?"

Bucky looked at the guys before his eyes darkened and he grit his teeth. "Freaking Mark."

"Who? You know one of these guys?" Sam said studying the picture Bucky was glaring at.

"Yeah, he's been following Y/n around like some creep." Bucky answered. "Oh no."


"Mark. I thought I saw him before I walked back here. I have to go to Y/n." Bucky said before snatching the keys of his motorcycle and bolting out of the door.

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