Part 14

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 Four and a half weeks. Four and a half heart wrenching weeks had passed since Mark had taken you. Bucky had been searching for you, trying to get clues where he could, but always coming to a dead end. Anything that reminded him of you made him angry. Not angry at you, but angry at Mark and himself. He took the full blame of your kidnapping on his shoulders. He realized that the reason he felt so angry was that he loved you. Sure, he hadn't known you for very long, but he loved you and he was going to do anything in his power to get back to you.

"Anything?" Bucky asked as he entered the living room of his apartment where Sam was sitting on the couch with his laptop.

"Nothing has changed since you asked me five seconds ago, Buck." Sam retorted as he scrolled through some files.

"It's been almost five weeks, Sam! I need to find her!" Bucky exclaimed as he clenched his fists.

"Hey, you need to calm down." Sam said staring down his friend. "Yelling never solved anything, so stop it. I'm trying my best here."

Bucky breathed out a long sigh and fell onto the couch, Alpine jumping into his lap. "I'm sorry, Sam. I-I'm just really worried about her. I promised her I would always protect her, and I broke that promise. Everything I love always gets taken away from me, I just wish I could keep the things I love safe for a change."

"We'll find her, don't worry. Mark couldn't have just fallen off the face of the Earth. We'll get a lead eventually, until then try to stay as sane as possible."


"Knock, knock." Mark said entering the room with a smile.

"Mark." You giggled. "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"Sorry." He shrugged. "I couldn't help it. You look beautiful, by the way"

"Thanks Mark. You're looking handsome."

"Alright baby, I have to go. I love you." Mark said blowing a kiss to you.

"I love you too."

Once Mark left the room, he turned to one of his men. "Get the wedding pictures to Barnes. I want him to suffer and tell the maker of the memory removal machine that it worked like a charm."

The man nodded. "I will."

Mark clapped and smiled. "Let's get this wedding started!"

A couple ladies helped getting you ready and you were taken out of the room. You linked arms with one of the men and the wedding music began to play. Mark was at the end of the aisle; a shiny smile was shot toward you. That smile reminded you of something or someone, but you couldn't quite place it. You shook your head. Oh well, it's your wedding day, you just need to focus on that.

When you reached Mark, you looked into his eyes and found joy, but felt slightly uncomfortable under his stare, but you didn't know why. Dismissing it, you beamed up at him as the words were being said.

"I do." He spoke confidently.

More words were spoken, and Mark grasped your hands.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."


Time seemed to stop as Bucky saw a lone envelope addressed to him. It had no return address, no stamp, just his name, and completely untraceable. He shoved the envelope in his pocket and rushed to his apartment where Sam was currently eating a bowl of cereal.

"Anything?" Sam asked as Bucky walked through the door.

Bucky slapped the envelope onto the counter and stared at Sam. "C-could you open it?"

Sam set his bowl down and carefully picked up the envelope. He opened it and pulled out the letter, a few pictures toppling out. Bucky's blue eyes scanned the pictures, and he froze. It was of you and Mark, happily married. It couldn't be true. You would never.

"Bucky." Sam said quietly. "Do you want me to read you the letter?"

Bucky couldn't breathe. You were married? Mark won? No. No, no, no. Bucky pulled at his hair and gasped for breath. He wanted to scream. He wanted to punch something. He needed to let his emotions out, so he started to cry. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he screamed. His fists clenched and Bucky's sadness turned to murderous anger. He needed you. Mark did something to you, and he needed to save you.

Sam's voice broke through the chaos in Bucky's mind. "Bucky, you need to calm down. Breath with me. There you go."


"I know. Just breathe, Buck. We'll figure this out." Sam said patting his friend's back.

"What if we never find her, Sam?" Bucky asked, his blue eyes glazed with water.

"Don't say that. Besides, you need to be strong for Y/n. You can't to anything to help her if we freak out."

Bucky wiped his eyes and sniffled. "You're right. I need to keep a level head. Thanks Sam. You seem to always keep your cool."

Sam smiled. "Just trying to be a good friend. Come on, let's go analyze the pictures and letter and see if we can get a lead."


"Well, how do you like it?" You asked as Mark entered the newly decorated house.

Mark scanned the homely decorations and it seemed like it must have taken you a long time. He smiled in satisfaction and turned back toward you.

"I love it. It makes me happy. You make me happy." He said as he pulled you in a hug.

"You make me happy, too, Mark. Is the company coming over tonight? Should I make a big meal?" You questioned.

"No, no. We're patrolling tonight. Gotta keep the town safe."

"From the metal armed man?" You asked, fear lacing your words.

"Exactly, but don't worry, we're here to make sure the metal armed man never enters into this town, and if you ever see him, you scream for help, and me or someone from the company with come." Mark said biting make a huge smile.

"Okay. Do you want some food to take with you on patrol?" You said heading into the kitchen.

Mark beamed and followed you. "That would be lovely."

Mark watched as you whipped up some food for him and he sighed in contentment. Bucky would never find you guys, and he could live peacefully with you. You handed him his bag with a smile, and he took it from you and placed a kiss on your cheek.

"Thank you love. Now, do you remember our rules?"

You nodded. "Lock all the windows and doors once you leave. Never talk to strangers. Everything I could ever need is in this town, and under no circumstances should I leave town."

Mark touched your cheek affectionately. "That's my girl."

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