Twenty eight

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"Where is she?!" the girl's mom ran towards the house with Joyce behind her.

"We don't know right now!" Joyce said.

"Where's my daughter?! Where is she?" the woman, Sharon, yelled.

"Sharon, I'm sorry. I tried-" Joyce said.

"No, no, no. You did this," Sharon pointed at her firmly.

"Sharon, Sharon, this is not Joyce's fault," Mallie said quickly.

"Who the hell are you?" Sharon yelled.

"We're firefighters. We're helping Joyce," Mallie said.

"Whoa! For the love of God, do something! Get our girls!" Joyce yelled.

"What is going on here?" Maya ran over quickly with Jack.

"Okay, I'd like to introduce our captain and lieutenant," Vic said.

"We need to get in that house," Dean said.

"These ladies think their daughters are in that house," Travis said.

"Against their will?" Maya asked.

"Yes," Mallie nodded.

"We do not have confirmation on that quite yet," Vic said.

"Have we called the cops?" Maya asked.

"They did, and we're way past that," Dean said.

"Okay, Miller, we're not on duty," Jack said.

"Okay. I think I smell a gas leak," Dean smirked.

"Oh, damn," Mallie whispered.

"Miller, hold on," Jack grabbed him quickly.

"Wait. No, no, no," Maya said.

"Dean. Miller, Miller, we don't operate that way," Jack said quickly.

"Yeah, except when you needed to get Inara away from her husband, right? When he was using her as a punching bag? Dude, what's the difference between then and now, Gibson? What's the difference?" Dean said loudly.

"We have to call it in, Miller. We will call the police, and they will come," Jack said.

"If the man in that house took our daughters, what do you think he's doing to them while we stand out here and talk?" Joyce said firmly.

"Maya, please," Mallie looked at her desperately. "Nobody gives a shit about black girls. Don't make us be like them. Don't make those girls be another fucking statistic for how many black girls are murdered a year," Mallie said.

Maya looked at her with a grim face.

"I'm gonna call PD," she said.

Mallie sighed.

"Whatever," she said.

"Here comes PD. Then it's their scene," Maya said, watching the PD car drive down the street towards the man's house.

"This should go well," Mallie muttered. The two white officers got out and walked towards them.

"Officers! Officers! My daughter is in that house! My daughter is in there!" Joyce yelled.

"I'm Captain Maya Bishop, SFD. I'm the one that called you," Maya said quickly.

"No, no, no. We got a call from the homeowner. He claimed that there was a woman creating a disturbance," one officer said.

"This is a waste of time!" Joyce said.

"Okay, this woman believes that her daughter was abducted and is in this house. We're just asking you to check it out," Dean said.

Playing with fire (Amelia Shepherd) ABANDONEDWhere stories live. Discover now