fifty seven

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Mallie rubbed her face tiredly as she followed Carina and Teddy Altman down the hallway to Maya's room.

She'd been officially discharged and Amelia was just getting Myles' discharge papers signed before she'd meet Mallie in the car with the kids to go home.

They stepped inside the room, Maya looking over at them.

"Am I good to be discharged?" Maya asked, not even asking about the obviously fresh cut on Mallie's face.

Mallie didn't hold onto it. Maya was going to lose her mind in a minute, so, she had to stay focused.

"Maya, Dr. Altman and I have some concerns about your condition and about the events that have led to your collapse. And we both strongly believe that it's in your best interest to be admitted for a few days until we can get your numbers under control. Mallie also agrees with us," Carina said.

"I'm fine. I'm feeling better," Maya shook her head.

"We all believe it would be best for you to stay in the hospital," Carina said.

"Well, I'm not staying, so you can forget about that," Maya said.

"If you're not gonna stay on your own, we'll place you on a seventy-two hours hold," Carina said.

"What? No. No," Maya shook her head with a scoff, starting to remove her oxygen tube.

"We have some concerns that you would try to leave against medical advice, and your situation is critical, so we need to monitor you in order to protect your heart-" Carina said, moving forward to stop her from unhooking her wires.

Teddy also stepped over, though Mallie stayed back. She wasn't here as a doctor, just as support for Carina to show Maya she agreed with this.

"You're serious? You're fifty-one-fiftying me?" Maya whispered, looking at Carina with teary eyes.

"Yes," Carina nodded.

"Look, if you try to walk out that door and do anything even remotely strenuous, you could die," Teddy said.

"No, I'm... I'm fine. I'm fine. I feel fine, okay? Let me go home. We can figure this out at home," Maya pleaded.

Her heartrate picked up on the monitor and Mallie winced, stepping forward.


"No, Maya, no," Carina whispered.

"You can help me at home," Maya said.

"You are not going home. I can't help you there. I've tried, but you don't let me, so this is me helping you," Carina said.

"No. No. No,"


"No, no, wait. You... no."


"You can't do this!"

"Maya, stop!"

"I am a perfectly competent and capable person of making my own decisions," Maya scoffed, tugging her wires off.

"A perfectly competent and capable person wouldn't try to leave the hospital against medical advice, so yes-" Carina started, trying to pull the wires out of Maya's hands.

"No. Stop. Stop. N-No!" Maya tried to pull herself free.

"Maya, I can do this, and I'm doing it. Maya, I'm serious. If you try to leave-"

"No, Carina!"

"I will have you put in restraints. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be," Carina snapped.

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