Mallie laughed as she ran through the Station 19 and Station 23 firefighters for the 10K Turnout Fundraiser for the Health Initiative, considering Jack didn't want to take Mallie's money when she was the only one funding the Crisis One program these days.
Maya was just ahead of Mallie, though Maya was an Olympic gold medalist so Mallie wasn't expecting to beat her. She did get second, though, laughing as Jack groaned loudly.
"How did you come second?!" he groaned.
"I run 5K a day," Mallie laughed. "This is nothing."
"You're so fucking annoying," Jack groaned.
"I know," Mallie said, patting his helmet before walking over to where Amelia was stood with the twins, Pru and Carina.
"Mamí!" Scout yelled, letting go of Amelia's hand and bolting to Mallie.
Mallie chuckled, scooping up Scout and kissing his cheek.
"Hi, mijo," Mallie said.
"You did runnin'," Scout said.
"I did," Mallie laughed. "Did I do well?" she said.
"The best," Scout said.
Mallie carried him over to the others, kissing Amelia hello and hugging Carina before kneeling down, hugging Myles and Pru with a grin.
"Hi," Pru grinned at her.
"Hi, mija. Are you having fun?" Mallie said.
"Yes. Tía Carina told me when she saw you and Maya," Pru said.
"She did? Well, tía Carina is the best, isn't she?" Mallie chuckled.
"The best," Pru agreed, leaning against Carina's legs with a smile.
"You did well," Amelia said.
"Thank you, mi vida," Mallie smiled, standing back up to kiss her again.
"You have to go on the stage with Carina, Ben and Jack for the Health Initiative announcement, so we're gonna stay and then I have the rest of the day off so the kids and I are going to do some painting," Amelia said.
"You are?" Mallie grinned down at the kids, who nodded eagerly.
"Yes, mamí," the twins said.
"Well, you are very lucky. I'll come and say goodbye before you go," Mallie said.
"Okay," Pru nodded.
Mallie walked over to the stage with Carina, the two of them joining Chief Ross by the microphone, Jack and Ben stood on the other side of the stage.
"Alright. Alright, alright. Way to go, 19. Way to go, 23!" Chief Ross said. "Man, that was quite a morning. I want to say thank you for coming out to support Station 19's new health initiative. It truly takes a village. Warren?" Ross said, stepping aside for Ben.
"And, um, we will have our very first community hours two weeks from Wednesday from 10 until 4. So, uh, come one, come all. We're here to serve," Ben said.
The crowd clapped and the firefighters left the stage, Mallie saying goodbye to Amelia and the kids before heading inside to shower and then work on the inventory for the Health Initiative.
"How many different types of sutures do we need? And... And why so many laceration kits?" Jack said, holding up a laceration kit box with a frown in the small conference room where he, Mallie and Carina were doing inventory.
"Oh, you think too many?" Carina said.
"Yeah, I think you two and Warren are the only ones who know how to suture, so, yeah, a million laceration kits might be overdoing it. Also, what are these numbers? Like, I-I don't understand that. What is this?" Jack said.

Playing with fire (Amelia Shepherd) ABANDONED
FanfictionABANDONED Mallie Cruz knew better than to play with fire, considering she was a firefighter at Station 19 and had seen enough bad endings to know better by now. But there was something so enticing about the fire Amelia Shepherd set inside of her tha...