forty seven

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AN: hey sorry i disappeared heres an update to apologise
i honestly don't even have an excuse, life has just been busy and im back in uni now so that's shit
but here's an update, enjoy x


The four firefighters piled out of the aid car at Joe's bar, looking around the deserted parking lot.

"You sure she said Joe's Bar?" Vic asked.

"Yeah," Mallie said.

"Seattle FD! Anyone need assistance?!" Vic yelled.

"Seattle Fire Department!" Maya yelled.

"Anyone?" Sullivan called.

"Jeremy?" Mallie called, moving further into the parking lot to look around.

"I don't know. Maybe he fled the scene?" Vic said.

"Look," Sullivan said.

"What?" the three girls hurried over.

"It's blood," Sullivan pointed at a bloody handprint on the back of a car, wandering off as the girls stared at it.

"Man, don't mess with Herrera, huh?" Vic said.

"Seriously," Mallie said.

"So he probably did run. Coward," Vic huffed.

"Guys? Hey, over here!" Sullivan called.

They followed his voice, rounding the side of another car to see a man lying face down on the gravel.

"Here, here," Sullivan said.

"Grab the c-collar," Mallie looked at Maya, who nodded and quickly opened her bag.

"Jeremy? Jeremy, can you hear me? Jeremy?" Sullivan said, tapping Jeremy's face lightly.

"Nothing," Mallie said. "We have to move him. There's no room here," Mallie said.

"Okay, let's roll him. Ready?" Sullivan said.

"Yep," Mallie and Vic nodded.

"On three. One, two, three," Sullivan counted them in.

They rolled him onto his back, Maya wrapping the collar around his throat to protect his spine.

"Is it tight?" Mallie asked.

"Yep, good," Maya nodded.

"Okay, tying you in," Vic mumbled, strapping the collar tightly on her side.

"Okay, let's get him moving," Sullivan said.

They got into position, carefully lifting Jeremy and moving him to a more open space to work on him.

"I'll start bagging him. Let's get him hooked up to the monitor, start suctioning, do a quick head-to-toe," Maya said, starting to grab equipment.

"Hughes, get ready to intubate," Sullivan said.

"This guy attacked Andy," Vic frowned, taking the intubation tray from Mallie.

"We'll deal with our feelings later. We're Andy's friend later. Right now, you're a paramedic," Maya said.

"I know, I know, I got it," Vic sighed.

She opening his mouth, starting to try and threat the intubation wire down his throat.

"God, it's a bloody mess in here," Vic huffed. "Cricoid pressure? Can you see anything?"

"Not a chance," Mallie said.

Playing with fire (Amelia Shepherd) ABANDONEDWhere stories live. Discover now