"What do we got?"
"Hey," Vic nodded at Jo Wilson as she stepped into the Aid Car. "So, house fire at Meredith's. Mallie's cut up and Myles has smoke inhalation," Vic said. "Scout and Pru came along for the ride."
"Amelia went home to check on you guys," Jo's face dropped. "Shit, okay, we'll get someone to page her. Let's get you guys inside and assess damages. Page peds for Myles, and cardio for both of them, and get me plastics, too," Jo called over her shoulder to the interns.
Mallie lifted her arm in a weak wave as Vic and the other firefighter wheeled her and Myles' gurney off the Aid Car, Vic lifting Scout and Pru off, too.
"Always getting into trouble, aren't you?" Jo eyed Mallie as she helped wheel them inside. "Call Amelia Shepherd, tell her Mallie and the kids are here," Jo told the receptionist at the ER desk.
"On it," she said, putting the phone to her ear.
"Okay, Scout, Pru, come wait with me," Vic said, leading them towards the waiting area out of the way.
"Let's get you to another bed, little dude," Jo said to Myles. "Mamí's gonna be in the bed next to you, okay? She's not going too far," Jo said.
Myles nodded and let Jo lift him onto one of the empty ER beds. Mallie climbed slowly onto the one next to it and Jo moved around, getting her hooked up to IVs and the monitors while Levi Schmiddt did the same for Myles.
"Mamí, mama?" Myles mumbled, rubbing his red rimmed eyes.
"They called her, mijo," Mallie mumbled around the gauze she was holding to her lips.
"Schmiddt!" a nurse called.
"I gotta-" Levi said.
"Go," Jo nodded. "Okay, uh," Jo looked around, grinning when she spotted someone. "Millen, over here! You, too, Adams!" she called.
Lucas, Amelia's nephew, and another intern hurried over. Lucas' face dropped when he saw Mallie and Myles.
"What happened?" Lucas asked.
"There was a fire at Meredith's house. Myles has smoke inhalation. Lucas, you can't work on your cousin, but we can wave it for Mallie, so, start stitching up these cuts on her arms while I look at her face. Millen, check Myles while we wait for cardio to come and check his lungs," Jo said.
They nodded, moving to each of the beds.
"Myles, mijo, she's gonna just check you out, okay? Like mama does when she's at work," Mallie said, wincing at the ache in her mouth.
"Okay," Myles mumbled, letting Millen press her stethoscope to his chest.
"Okay, let's see what we're working with," Jo said.
She peeled the gauze back from Mallie's mouth and winced.
"Oh, great. I'm deformed," Mallie muttered.
"I mean," Jo said slowly. "We can fix this. It's just... God, it's big."
"Yeah, I saw it," Mallie muttered. "I need blood, by the way. I'm dizzy."
"That nurse is bringing it over for me," Jo nodded at the nurse with the blood trolley. "The firefighter radio'ed ahead for it."
"Okay," Mallie mumbled. "Is Amelia coming?"
"Yeah, she's on her way. Stop talking, okay? I need to inject some lidocaine into this and start cleaning it so I know if you need plastics stitches or if I can do it," Jo said.
Mallie lifted the arm Lucas wasn't working on and saluted Jo, earning a scowl from her.
"Don't be smart with me, Cruz. I am very grateful for you donating to the clinic, right now, but I do not need Amelia getting mad at me for being slow to fix you up," Jo said. "Oh, god, you're not gonna be able to kiss her for a while. That sucks."

Playing with fire (Amelia Shepherd) ABANDONED
FanfictionABANDONED Mallie Cruz knew better than to play with fire, considering she was a firefighter at Station 19 and had seen enough bad endings to know better by now. But there was something so enticing about the fire Amelia Shepherd set inside of her tha...