thirty five

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so there was a timejump between the end of s4 and the start of s5 of about a year, so i'm gonna fill in the gaps with mallie mentioning these things but i'm not gonna write most of it bc i wanted to follow the plot now we're getting to s5 of S19 and s18 of Greys

it'll make sense when u read it dw :)


"Oh my god, this is fucking insane. Why did we think this was a good idea?" Mallie whispered, looking around the hallway filled with boxes.

Maya was stood on one side of her with Carina holding her hand, with Dean and Ben on the other side of her. They were all staring at the hallway filled with boxes, and the rooms with furniture just dumped inside of.

"You're going to kill me. Seriously, I'm going to die," Vic gasped, carrying a couch through the front door with Travis holding the other end.

"Living room, please," Jack said, pointing into the living room where he was stood in the kitchen doorway.

Andy hovered behind him, a small frown on her face.

"I think you're insane," she said.

"You know what? So do I," Mallie said.

"I mean, seriously, what did you think was gonna happen?" Dean said.

"I thought I was gonna buy a house for my family and it wouldn't turn to shit! I mean, we literally moved in next door. How do we even own this much shit? How much shit did Meredith order when I gave her my card? I mean, why do I have three couches? Who needs three couches? I have one ass. Amelia has one ass. The twins have one ass each. That's four asses, two couches maximum. Why three?" Mallie said.

Mallie had bought the house next door to Meredith's when it came onto the market a month ago. They'd been looking to move out now Meredith was home because the twins had started walking and talking and growing and the house was chaotic enough as it was. They needed space, but next door seemed perfect for them all to continue with their childcare routines like before.

She had also been extremely busy with work, as had Amelia, so Mallie had trusted Meredith and Maggie to buy them furniture and everything they needed to fill a house. Maggie had taken charge of upstairs, aka the bedrooms, while Meredith had taken downstairs, which was how they ended up with three couches.

"I mean, you have two living rooms. Three couches isn't necessarily a bad thing," Vic said, setting the couch down.

"They're not necessarily a good thing, either," Mallie said. "That's so many couches to move around," she said.

"It really is," Travis sighed, sitting on the couch.

"Where is Amelia?" Jack asked.

"One of the kids that goes to the hospital daycare is throwing a birthday party, so Amelia took the twins and Pru so we could handle this," Dean said.

"Where's Meredith or Maggie?" Andy said.

"Working," Mallie said.

"So, it's down to us big strong firefighters to do the work," Maya said.

"Do we have an idea of how you want things to go?" Ben asked.

"Just... Put them wherever. Make it look like a house. We've got a week to get this set up before it's Maggie's wedding, and then Amelia and I are taking the twins to LA a week after that, so things are chaotic. We've got to get this done before Amelia starts losing it. Happy wife, happy life," Mallie said.

"You're not even married, yet," Dean chuckled.

"She's right, though. Happy wife makes life so much easier," Ben said.

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