XIII. RIP Hen Solo.

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XIII. RIP Hen Solo.

I spent the night at Kiara's house. We both woke up at similar times and apparently we were fighting demons in our sleep as Kiara had some of the worst bed head i've ever seen and I woke up halfway on the floor.

"I might have to cut it out" I bite back laughter as I attempt to brush out Kiara's hair. "You are not cutting my hair." Kie sternly replied.

"Why not? I think you would rock a pixie cut." I lied. she would not. The girl turned around to look at me before bursting into laughter.

After finally combing out the birds nest that was Kiara's hair, we both changed from our pyjamas to bikinis and headed for the beach for a routinely morning swim. 

I wore a deep red bikini and Kiara wore a light blue one that popped against her tan skin.

The salt water stung at first but I soon got used to it. The water started off warm but as we got deeper into the beach it started to get cooler. After a while we get bored, pull on shorts and decided to go annoy whoever was at the Château.

We walked through the doors of the Château before Kiara's voice bounced of the walls "Honey! I'm home." She bellowed but got no reply.

"Looks like nobody's home." She said hoisting herself up on the kitchen counter. 

We ate some snacks that Kiara brought to restock John B's cupboard and we sat on the veranda and waited for someone to arrive at the Château.

It wasn't long before Pope walked into the house, He found us spread on the couches, I was smoking a cigarette and Kiara was talking my ear off about how bio plastic should replace regular plastic.

The sight of Pope gave me hope for the throbbing headache Kie was giving me. I love her, I really do but man she can talk.

"Wheres JJ and John B?" Pope asked us. Kiara shrugged "I dunno, They weren't here when we got here." I answer, Putting my cigarette out on a plank of wood.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence JJ and John B came rushing into the varanda. Once JJ caught his breath he began to frantically recap everything that happened to them both that morning. "And all we hear is just, Bam! Bam! Bam!" JJ exaggerates over the sound of the crowing rooster.

"Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside." He continued.

"All right? And I'm just looking at him, like - Wait, first off, look at this shit." JJ said before turning his head upside down and brushing his hands through his hair, causing white flakes to fall out his scalp

"That's dandruff." I point out, "Gross." Kiara added.

"Look at all that. All right? That's paint." He defended his dry scalp. "At that point, I was just, like...I'm waiting for death." JJ continued rambling on, Acting out each part. Honestly it was quite entertaining to watch until he reached his hand up and dug it into his chest to relieve the pain that was stabbing at him.

I've only known JJ a short amount of time but I notice little things about people. Like the way he grinds his teeth, or the way he scrunches up his nose as a nervous tic. But I also notice the way he digs his hand into his chest as if he's struggling to breath.

Early signs of a panic attack.

"Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot at us, right? Did you get a good description of them? What did they look like?" Pope interrogated the distressed blond boy. "Anything. Anything's helpful." Kiara chimed in from next to me. "Anything we can bring to a police report?" Pope added.

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