2. Ballistics Report

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*Claudia Morgan - Medical Examiner*

On our way back from the crime scene King wouldn't shut up about having control of the radio but like our wise friend once said "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."

"Come on Logan, you know you want to listen to rap. You know, bob your head to the beat and get jiggy with it."

I whip my head to him real fast with a dumbfounded expression. "Did you just fucking say get jiggy with it?" He shrugs his shoulders and starts laughing. It sounded so corny I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head. I gotta admit that would be my type of guy right there, carefree and funny, but I would never get involved with my partner, that leads to disaster. Well if you didn't figure it out yet I like men but I'm definitely not a bottom that is just not my style. Okay there is one exception, I'd bottom for Jensen Ackles, but hey can you blame a guy? He's one hot motherfucker!"

Anyway, we finally make it back to the station in one piece after non-stop bickering over which music station to choose. Like please have mercy with all this rap shit and let us play music you can actually understand the lyrics. King just ignores me and I sigh before he calls out for Doctor Morgan.

"Hey Morgan, have the ballistic reports come in yet? Grayson is on one of his Sherlock Holmes kicks again and I want to bring him down a notch or two. I don't want my wallet to suffer the consequences again." I just roll my eyes at his antics and walk into the morgue to where the body is laying on the slate. "Hey boys, just give me a minute." She shouts from the office.

I just shrug and continue looking around while King is standing near the exit for a quick get away if needed. That is until we hear hurried footsteps making their way towards us. "What do the results say, doc?" I say trying to get straight to the point. Morgan just rolls her eyes and shoves the folder into my hands.

Man, someone is moody today. Oh let the teasing begin.

"Take a look for yourself, jackass. There was no evidence of foul play except the obvious stab wound to the heart, and that even shows that the culprit knew what they were doing." I smirked at King who just hung his head. "I checked the body thoroughly for evidence and nothing was found under his nails, mouth or more private areas. His dental records were able to give us a small lead. The poor idiot's name is Thomas Martin. He was 44 years old, divorced and has one son that is in college at Silverton University! Whoever did this must've held one hell of a grudge to end his life without hesitation." She says proudly like it's something we haven't heard a hundred times with a hundred different cases. I agree with a nod then glance at the clock signaling our shift has come to an end.
"Is that all of it?" I really can't wait for those free drinks and a nice juicy steak that's calling my name. I'm going to go all out on King's dime.

"No, there was one more thing. On the back of his neck is a tattoo for the Lameir Family meaning he must've been some sort of messenger or lackey for them."

Well that is good to know, maybe make our job a little bit easier for once.

"We'll be heading out then. Thanks for the information! It must've kept you busy on a lonely Friday night." I smirk as King kneels over laughing. I love getting her riled up, it's just too damn easy, but of course my dumbass partner takes it a little too far.

"Yeah, probably the best date she has had in a long time, you know, being around dead bodies all the time." I shake my head and wonder about him sometimes. I glare at him but when I look at Morgan if looks could kill. She grabs the scalpel and points it in our direction.

"What the hell did you say King?" he puts his hands up in surrender. When she throws the scalpel on the tray it echoes throughout the room. Her eyes grow darker as she marches right up to us. Within an instant she grabs both of us by the ear dragging us towards the exit. I don't know how the fuck a 5'2 woman can bring two grown men down to her level. We each stand between 5'10 and 6'1. I lose my train of thought as she kicks the door open with her shoe heel and throws us into the hall. "At least, I can find something to do on a Friday unlike you losers. Later Boys! Don't let the door knock you on your asses." She shouts with a half-hearted wave of her hand.

Damn if I was straight that girl would totally be on my list. King and I start pushing ourselves back up and knock off the dust that clings to our clothes. "Did you really have to piss her off, asshole?" King yells as he elbows me in the stomach.

"Me? You had to open your mouth and say that shit. I think we would have been fine until that comment." He starts laughing and I shove him as I walk past him, shaking my head as my lips twitch into a smile.

"Well, it wouldn't be fun to leave without a bang. That girl is fiesty, I like a woman with some spunk." he wiggles his eyebrows at me and I just shake my head.

Moron, one of these days I tell ya.

"Yeah, yeah because everyone just falls for your irritating dumbass charm. I'm hungry! Let's just get out of here and head to the bar. I want to get there before all the good seats are taken. Also, I want to spend your money" Daniel groans and it brings a smile to my face. I can't wait to let loose tonight.

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