19. Facing Punishment

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We're all sitting around the table laughing and having a good time as Ace and I's friends tell embarrassing stories about the both of us. I must admit some things are embarrassing to recall but what can you do? We all have funny memories that we laugh about from time to time and wish we could have changed some things. I'm listening to Blake reminisce about a time Ace got scolded for sneaking out when Daniel tries to butt in. It was just getting to the most interesting part when my phone started chiming with an incoming message. I thought about ignoring it for now and I'd check it out later but in my line of work it could be life or death.

My curiosity gets the best of me since the phone keeps dinging. I furrow my brows in confusion as I unlock my phone. A blocked unknown number has 6 notifications listed as I go into my messages. My eyes widen in shock as I scroll through the messages and click on the photo attachment. What the hell is this? When I click on the picture and zoom in. I see me and Daniel surveiling the loading docks with two figures hidden behind some shipment containers. The moment I go to zoom in on them another message appears. It's another attachment and this time its sole focus is the two hidden figures. I glance up, noticing the familiar watch. When I look between the two, I see that the watch in the picture matches Ace's laying securely across his wrist propped against my hand on the table. This can't be happening. I back out of the photos and go to the thread of messages reading them over two or three times.

Blocked Number: Cops must really be ignorant nowadays. How does it feel fucking the enemy?

Blocked Number: Why don't you ask lover boy, who he really is? I mean its not everyday that you find a big mafia leader like Felix Dalton and a cop tumbling around in the sheets.

What the fuck are they going on about? They have some nerve I think to myself balling my fist at such preposterous lies.

Blocked Number: Any idiot could figure out he's just using you for business purposes. What would make you think someone like him would even spare you a second glance if they didn't find you useful for their own personal agenda? Its quite sad actually...

Blocked Number: Better watch your back before you get caught in the crossfire.

Is this some kind of sick twisted joke? Obviously not with the evidence to back up the allegations but still why now? Was any of it even real to begin with?

I'm obviously not thinking clearly when "Hey Felix!" slips out from between my lips but I have to know if this is true or not. If Ace denies it then there has to be an explanation perhaps even foul play using photo shop. Yes maybe that's it photo shop. You can edit anything to look real nowadays that has to be it. It just couldn't be true that I've been sleeping with someone just like the people who killed my father.

The thought alone makes me sick to my stomach but the moment I look into Ace's eyes and see the surprise shining in his irises. Its confirmed to be the truth because even if your words and actions don't match up your eyes are like a lie detector into your soul.

Felix or whoever he claims to be acts like he is going to give me some sort of explanation but with the way blood is rushing to my ears I doubt I'll be able to listen. Without hesitation my feet make up the decision for me as I slam the chair against the wall before dashing through the crowd towards the exit.

I just can't deal with this fucking shit right now.

If anything we shared was real for him he would've found the opportunity to tell me the truth instead of making me out to be a fool. But what should I expect for putting my heart out there. I'm just not cut out to be loved sincerely. The sad part is that my mind and heart are battling it out and for some reason a small part of me hopes he comes running after me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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