12. Where Do We Go From Here

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Fuck, how could things turn out so wrong in such a short period of time. We all knew there would come a day that Marco would be back wreaking havoc on our lives. But for it to happen right now when things finally started to look up for Felix and I is a bit of a stretch. That son of a bitch must have someone giving him a helping hand. Those bastards hiding like the cowards that they are.

Every fiber in my being wants to lash out and punch the nearest thing to me, but I can't. Felix is counting on me to be the level headed one when it comes to his so-called biological family. Because he has never been able to think straight when it comes to them. I huff while I'm pacing back and forth throughout the hall, as Felix sits with his head cushioned between his hands. My best friend looks exhausted beyond measure, like we all are. But for the first time in a long time he looks so lost and scared. I have not seen this side of him not since we were kids.

What the hell was going through my mind when assigning Damon the position of negotiations with our contributors, is beyond me. Now that is hanging over my head as well, when there is too much other shit going on. It was suppose to be like any other transaction, but of course we were ambushed. They definitely had the element of surprise on us that's for sure. It should be me lying in Damon's position barely alive. Not a kid who has years left to be a numbskull making stupid irrational decisions like every young man does.

We have to be smart about how we decide to handle this, so it doesn't turn into one big massacre. We do not need more innocent people becoming casualties between the two families. If we go to the warehouse perhaps we may find something to pinpoint the Lameirs being involved. We need to think rationally before going guns ablazing and causing more damage than has already been done. So many questions that we need answers to. Why in God's name would the Lameirs team up with Marco? Is it some sort of shit about the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I just don't know. Marco has definitely found some loophole into their operation. I'll be damned if we get taken down by a bunch of petty, wannabe gangsters.

I decide fuck it, we can't sit here twidling our thumbs and wait for anymore bad shit to come our way. I walk over to Felix and grab his arm which startled him. "What the hell are you doing?" He hoarsely says as I drag him out of the chair. "We need to go to the warehouse. We need to find anything to see the puppet master who is behind the scenes." Felix looks at me lost and confused, he tries to rip his arm out of my grip. "Listen to me Goddamit!" I practically snarl at him and that makes him stop fighting me. I know that I shouldn't snap at my boss, but I know he is not thinking straight at the moment.

"Listen Felix, there isn't much we can do for Damon or the others right now, but this is something that we can do. So get your shit together and meet me in the fucking truck." I release him and storm towards the front doors. "Doc, stay with Damon and the boys until we get back. You'll be compensated extremely well for your time." I barely hear an audible yes sir before heading outside. I tell the men standing watch to make sure no one goes in or out of the mansion. They all nod in understanding, standing at attention with guns ready for any threat that may come. Felix comes barreling out the doors looking like the leader that he usually is. I can't fault him for having a weak moment, we all have those. But I thank whatever God that is out there that he is not still sulking around. The intimidating man that everyone usually fears strides out with his gun in his waistband. "Are you ready?" I ask as I arch an eyebrow at him.

"As ready as you are...jackass." He shoves past me into the passenger side of my truck. I make my way around to the other side and put the key in the ignition and the truck roars to life. "Welcome back dickhead." My lips twitch into a smile but that smile falters when he punches me in the shoulder fucking hard. "Good to be back. Now let's figure out who the fuck is behind all this before more casualties come our way." I rub my shoulder and see the fucking smirk on his face, I forgot how hard he can hit, it's been awhile since we have sparred together. I nod my head and back out of the driveway and off the property towards the warehouse. "Thank you Blake, for snapping me out of the shit that was trying to drown me." I pat his shoulder as I keep driving towards our destination. "I got your back, always brother."

Lets hope we find some more clues before we start a turf war with the Lameirs, otherwise there will be lots of bloodshed.


Up ahead I notice our destination coming into view. As I give Felix a quick shove to warn him to keep his eyes open in case we happen to run into trouble. Hitting a few pot holes here and there on the dirt road. I decide last minute to park the truck on the side of the warehouse out of site to avoid suspicion and wandering eyes. You can never be to careful of who all is around and watching your every move. Taking the key out of the ignition both Felix and I get out of the truck making rocks and dust stir up as we make our way onto the loading dock.

Images of earlier push their way to the forefront of my mind as I look around at all the blood stains marking the pavement underneath our feet. "What the fuck, the guys didn't mention it would look like a bloodbath." Felix says irritatedly as he clenches his fists angrily. I know that when I first appeared on the scene my main concern was if anyone was alive after seeing the amount of blood all over. Damon wasn't answering any of my calls making my gut tell me something was wrong.

When the boys and I who stayed back at the mansion drove up here. We saw a few of our brothers laying unconscious at the end of the dock with blood pooling around their body with discarded bloody bats and pipes sticking out from underneath a tarp on a boat nearby. My heart beat quickened as I noticed Damon no where to be found until we looked further and found his body laying discarded behind a broken shipment container where the guns and drugs should've been. Shaking my head at the imagine of Damon laying on the cold concrete with his chest barely rising and disoriented. I pick up noise coming from our right causing me to grab Felix shushing him as he looks at me confused before ducking behind a empty box.

Upon further inspection I hear voices making their way closer causing both Felix and I to share a look and reach for our guns. As we go to raise our weapons to see if we have a clear shot at our new acquaintances. Felix grabs my hand shoving my 45 down as his eyes widen and he looks at me shaking his head. I go to whisper what the hell is happening when he moves his eyes towards their direction and I peak over the box seeing clearly now. Logan and what looks like his partner rounding the corner with a flashlight both in a heated debate.

Fuck, why the hell is the police here. Better yet, what the fuck is Logan and his partner doing at our warehouse? We're in a shit load of trouble now.

Shit, can this day get any worse?


Hey Everyone,

I'm sorry that I took so long to update and hope you all are enjoying your New Year. Things have just been extremely busy dealing with family stuff. Let me know what you guys think of Blake's POV? Thank you all for taking your time to read, vote and comment. Take care!

- Kate ✨

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